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[WIP] Commonwealth of Modders


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newest addon:

J-Tec Wolverine MkI

(Mk II in the works right now)



generally i welcome any new modder who wants to join and all those who i have forgotten to reply to yet... sorry for that...


but could you plz post some renders/screens/somekindofexample of what you are able to do first? i want to keep a level of quality that ensures happy users


im currently busy finishing some addons im working on and it will take me prolly this week to finish until i can work on the basemod again...

for compatibility reasons i generally do all the world building, you can however send me an esp with your shop and ill put it in the mainmod... if more than one person for example modifies the outside cell it conflicts with other mods that do this... thus every modder gets his/her own cell to toy round with but this is obviously done by me in the basemod



i see quite some talent there but id rather use completely new items... yours are cool and so on but they are "just" (still enough work lol) reorganized vanilla models

id like to see you make some original mods

if youre still interested i could put a shack on the main island? or a home in the sub? and main question first... are you going to steadily supply some stuff or are you done with your 4 mods now?


as a general reminder im also looking for companions and a radio station (and stuff like that... a ridable boat would rock or a dolphin jumping round)

its not only for merchants even tho they are the main theme


for everyone who only makes very few mods or items i could also create a general merchant who sells all that stuff... id give him a bunch of levelled list and every one who wants to participate just once could get such a list for him/herself... like a ticket to use...


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i made all my stuff from scratch(model, textures, shader maps, etc..), except for the Hunterscope mod, which was a practice run for me. i'm quite flattered that you think those are vanilla models that i just reorganized though :D


i am still working on a couple more projects, and item placement is not a biggie for me. The general store sounds like an excellent idea for us with still very few mods :)


here are some renders:


Wattz 1000 Laser pistol



Pulse Pistol by MadCat221, textured by me



14mm Auto Pistol



Wattz 2000 Laser Rifle


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i'm quite flattered that you think those are vanilla models that i just reorganized though :D

I wouldn't of been flattered by his comment personally, because your weapons obviously aren't just reorganized vanilla models, they are better than the vanilla models (your 14mm is my main weapon these days)!

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Hello, everyone's waiting on getting this final. It`ll huge item pack.


I hit up the submarine when you first released this, good idea btw, but how far is this updated currently? Have you added the new items to the separate vendors?


+1 to adding Joefoxx's weapons, some of the best energy weapons.

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Wolverine Mk II released:





@joe mmh maybe im wrong but the barrel and handle of the wattz rifle and the 14mm in general look quite similiar to the vanilla 10mm and sniper rifle imo... no offence tho lol... good you didnt take any :)

they look really good... that new round pistol things looks neat too tho nothing for me to be honest :P


anyway im adding a seperate vendor for you... 4 items are sufficent for that i guess and as i see it you will prolly do some in the future too - plz tell me any preferences you want to have met (interior design, npc, name, logo, shack or submarine, etc - asap plz)





it is more or less final as the base is laid and is addon ready... i am however of course still working on it just had to finish some addons before i went back to this... which is what im doing now, going for v08





mmh interesting models but sadly i dont see anything that would be game ready yet - but i can see developement if i look at the different dates of the pics

could you maybe finalize one item or somin which you want to have included so i can take a look at how your final stuff would look like?





i need clutter... lots of it :P cocktail glass, a speedboat, palmtree, basicly any thing thats funky in any way and or would fit somewhere... anything even if its as kinky as a king size banana baton... ya i need one for juliana :P




so what im doing now is fixing the few bugs mentioned like not perfectly aligned doors etc

im also adding one or two shacks on the main island to house a general merchant for all the smaller needs aswell as a vendor for joefox


malo will prolly release his first armor addon pack this weekend


growlf is still struggeling with the geck messing up his meshes

call out: brupo, vash, nekro and the radio guy... whats up? where are you? how is the developement going? hope you didnt drown in the new years eve beverages :P


also i could need a tool or somin to convert mocap files into kf or at least somin max3d reads... any tip welcome, tips on good ressource sites xcept that carnegie mellon link are wanted aswell


what do you guys n gals think about releasing some of the stories written here on the nexus by people like dezdimonda being released as books/notes?

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Here's some of my stuff.










Here's the stuff that's been uved and textured (Textures were made by a friend of mine Sargent Bash and the mossberg uvs were done by red rouge.





I've been trying to learn to compile for fallout but its not been successful :*(

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oi these look neat indeed...

id like to include em once you get behind compiling em...


some problems tho:



atm there is no way to swap a weapons attack mode thus a bayonett is useless and just for optics

a way could be to exchange the weapons you have in your inventory with a melee gun and a shooting gun by hitting a certain button (needs FOSE and that is not yet able to do that afaik) - thats done by a script



animations are still kinda limited i just found a tutorial to use original reload animations and that still needs testing imo

thus the pump action will probably be hard to make including the reload animations (its not just making the gun parts move but also making the player skeleton move accordingly for 1stperson and 3rdperson )


plz also keep in mind to reduce the poly count as much as possible... i cant say if you did or not by these renders tho

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anyway im adding a seperate vendor for you... 4 items are sufficent for that i guess and as i see it you will prolly do some in the future too - plz tell me any preferences you want to have met (interior design, npc, name, logo, shack or submarine, etc - asap plz)


it's ok, i'm fine having my stuff sold at the general merchant shop (i actually prefer it that way).

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