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[WIP] Commonwealth of Modders


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just to keep you people updated on the progress...


i added the general merchant which is a robot... definately needs some voice acting preferably a gal

any volunteers?

i could also use a bodymodel for her resembling the robot Hel from metropolis... or just a plain c3po even tho that would suck...

she has atm 20 levelled lists supporting up to 20 addons... 5 of them are going to be property of joefox


its place is the lower part of the building in the attachment picture


any ideas what to put in the upper part? (the one whose door you see)

a doc maybe?


also added a few signs to easy navigation on that massive island :P


was thinking bout adding a shooting range somewhere underground or in that outofservice part of the sub... ideas?


right now im working on adding some posters which need models first... working on it... oh btw is anyone able to create some nice looking pin up graphics?

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point is i dont wanna use copyright protected artwork and most pinups i was able to find are to some extend thus it would be best if you could make some from scratch, help is very much appreciated and credit will be given of course (of just put you name in one of the corners ;))
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I probably could make them from scratch... but it would take an obscenly large amount of time because I'd be drawing them by hand etc...


I could most likely get some ones for free though, I have contacts and suchlike that have artwork they wouldn't mind being on display, as long as we credit them.

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that would be really cool... thought bout doing some myself but id loose prolly 3 days working on the mod if i did so, as you said it takes ages to make quality pics and not sketches...

doesnt only have to be pin ups but anything with a 30ties-60ties style

and preferably funny in some way, satyrical, crazy... somin fitting fallout ;)

thx man

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i think the geck wiki or the tescs wiki has some...

but its atm not possible for you to add your own hut anywhere... i need to create it or at least create a door which leads to a new cell you can modify... if youd just add one we would get conflicts with other addons which do the same (one cell cant have 2 mods modify it... the newest in load order gets the rights), thus i generally dont allow for that...

but you could get that lil house atop the general merchant (its free atm - see pic a few posts above) and maybe create a mad painter or somin ;)

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