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[WIP] Commonwealth of Modders


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Can't you model a new one from scratch in blender and animiate the leaves to look realistsic? it would take time sure but looks like th only way.


Also, I have found a lot of stuff, too much stuff in fact. and I'm sorry but unless you give me some specific ideas like "we need a poster about this with something like this on it" I dont think I'm going to be much help in that department.


However, if you have any models that need texturing I may be able to do work there. And I seem to have a nack for architecture in GECK so I could help with that too (not indoors stuff, I mean new buildings and clutter to the main map).

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exactly my thougt... they look surprisingly good if i may say so... the downside is that they dont sway in the wind and prolly have no shadow (cant test that as i have no shadows anyway lol... someone send me money so i can see em one day please :P)



come on dude some creativity plz... i usually just look through hundreds of pics until one or more jump to my eyes as bloody amazing or i get an idea what they could be used for...


i mainly want a poster to represent an ad for the caravansery (or better more than one) maybe with a camel, a remote village harbour or somin

i want a few pin ups for the boys

maybe some floral stuff and such for the ladies

a few vacation locations like a sunny beach or a swimming pool with sexy chicks

somin technical advertising new inventions or showing blueprints for somin freaky like a time mashine or so

somin military propaganda like (the soviets and chinese were great at that)


best without text so we can add our own

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