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[WIP] Commonwealth of Modders


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odd accent sounds great :P

anyway im atm finishing the worldpsace of the new island, it will then need traps, clutter, npcs, buildings and ai to be set up before i can start on the quests


im also leavng for vacation tomorrow till march


anyway if youre interested to make somin yet mhh lemme think...


there are the natives who pray to gecko, there are the merchnts and there are the Order of DON guys who protect the merchants and are basicly their armed branch similiar to the east india company


my idea if i have the time to realize it would be to have both parties be at war, the natives want to defend their religion and their homeland (cry's isLand) whereas the merchants want that stretch of land for themselves...

you can now either choose to help the merchants or the natives...


missions planned:


1. help a dude at rivet city repair his speedboat to get back to the caravansery (needs some spare parts or a high repair skill)


2. cptn red carp asks you to look after the DON recon squad on cry's isLand

-the don commander there asks you to clear the djungle of booby traps

-either you do so or you lie to him

-a patrole is sent out (lead by you) and depending onyour choice all go boom or get through to the natives and help you fight them

-if you succeed in killing the natives you get the submarine home

-if you lied the natives become friendly and offer you to buy their wares and a shack at their place


thus i basicly need voiceacting for either of these two quests or for the merchants...


merchant dialogues would be like that: "what may i offer you stranger?" "a good choice!" "come again"


quest dialogues:


guy at rivet city - has no preferences yet


"hey man, im glad to meet someone friendly!"

- how can i help?(good)

- screw you! baaam! (evil)

; good-> "thx gecko... my speedboat broke down and all the fellas round here are so bloody aggresive i dont dare to ask them for spare parts, could you get me some?"

- sure what ya need? (good)

- bah i can do it without spare parts, im mcliver (neutral - needs repair skill at 100)

- whut? run around? for you? screw you! baang! (evil);

good -> " i need a (dunno list some of these items like conductors and so on) "

-im all done

"weeee! thx man... wanna come with me my friend? my captain would sure like to meet you."

dadaadadang ride to HSC... (if possible with a small bik video)


cptn red carp - 30+ - bearded, rough guy and deep heavy voice, a seaman through and through

"ahh i see (the guy at rivet city) made it back finally! thank you for helping him i guess i was stupid to send such a moron out alone... well take this here as a symbol of my and the whole crews gratitude"


-small reward, a survival knife maybe...


"btw stranger i need someone to check out a scouting party i sent out to a neighboiuring island a few days ago and i didnt hear from them yet"

-sure! (good)

-nay! maybe later.

-screw you! baaang! (evil)

good -> travel to cry's isLand


Don Commander - rough, 25-50yrs old - warrior, loves blood, take the apokalypse now general of the airborne cavallary as an example aka "i love the smell of napalm in the morning"


"hey boy! what the vulk are you doing here? this place is of limits for civilians... go home and play with your sister!"

-the captain sent me to check if everything is allright, need help? (good)

-boy? who the vulk are you then grandpa? im the terror of the wastelands! ill show you whose the boy! Banng! (evil)

-shut the vulk up you moron im here on behalf of the captain bow before me! (neutral) "whut? maaaan! attack that lil female dog!!!" Baaang! capatin shoots you...

good-> "ah i see, someone who wants to play the hero. well we have a slight problem here, that djungle is filled with barbarians but we cant advance as they mined the whole place, i lost 5 good men yet. Go and clear it somehow... i mean youre a hero aint you? you can do that!"

- yeah sure, im the hero of the wastes and soon to become the hero of the archipelago aswell (good)

- whut? mines? barbarians? lots of them? no way... i was here to check if your allright thats it... bye.. (neutral)

- why are you here anyway? baang! "maaaan attack! this lil brat asks too many questions..."


good-> you set out to clear the minefield, a native runs towards you

shoot him(evil)

let him come close

"hey hey, you there, ya you barbarian"

-whut me?

-gahhh whose the barbarian? eh? baang! (evil)

-stay silent

"we observed you talking to these barbarians at the beach, i have a proposition to make!"

-go on

-i dont deal with half naked morons! baang (evil)

"look, we are not evil or somin were just trying to live our live here, a few moons ago a ship full with these green skinned (reminescence of the uniforms used) barbarians came here and started killing our people"

"whatever he asked of you, dont do it, plz!"



1-kill him and gain evil karma, clear the mines and return to the dons

2-dont demine and return to the DONs

DONcommander: "ah i see the wannabe hero returns! is the path clear for my men to advance?"

1-yeah sure

2-yeah sure (lie)

3- nah i just need more ammo... these guys are tough


1->"yeha finally! time for the crushing assault! wanna lead the men and earn your spurs?"


-ah nah thats your job ill lay back and watch


return to red carp "ah i see we were succesful! here take this key... its for the empty cabin at the fore of the ship" - if possible i want to change the world cells afterwards so that the merchants build an outpost at the island


2-> "yeha finally! time for the crushiong assault.... same as above


all dead xcept you...


-strange native come back to you

"man you are our hero, we wouldnt have been able to hold out much longer! you saved our homeland! i bet the chieftain would like to show his gratitude! follow me"


chieftain - 50+yrs - soft and calm but mesmerizing voice (i guess some old arab accent would be best)

"ahhh here he finally is, i knew you would come here, i saw you in a vision many moons ago." "for your help i must show my gratitude, i herewith bestow upon you the power of the gecko (agi +1 or somin) and youre also welcome to stay here anytime you like friend, we prepared a hut for you yet"

-thx great chieftain it is an honor to be with you and your people on this beautiful island! (good)

-gah vulk you... i just like mayehm and your ilsand is perfect to cause that! baaang! (evil) -> leads to the island being a constant battle ground for you


so i think thats should work :P

if you like you could make the voice files for one of these guys yet or just come up with your own guy, you can change it all to you liking of course, tis just a quick draft afterall.


i also need some generic voices:



"o holy gecko we pray to you, bestow us with your power so we may overcom thy evil that lurks our lands!"

"oh holy gecko we praise you"

"by the might of gecko!"

"gecko will devour you infidel"

"all hail gecko!"



"for glory!"

"harrr i like the smell of nuke cola in the morning"

"victory!" "long live the caravansery!"

"ha gimme some of you blood pal!"

"geek i hate this djungle!"

"i want home! home!!! oh god i cant stand it"

"god how i hate that dampness everyhwere... my socks are dripping wet again"



ill of course speak some by myself but i cant do em all


mind the island is not that big its maybe the size of rivet city

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Jaysus, I'm pretty sure I Can Do the "Don" Generic Voice files for you.

I'm still thinking between that Cpt.Red and the General Guy, Maybe Captain red is more like me but still I Don't Really know What Is your Taste Exactly in Captain Red's Voice. Specially when it comes to being deep enough.

Unfortunately I Won't be available for 2 Days, Goddamn Microphone! But we can Continue this discussion tomorrow mate!



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well as i said im gone tomorow and wont be online very much in the meantime till march/mid march

ill try to check tomorrow eve tho and make some models during train rides

i still need some djungle shacks and more foilage


you can do the generic stuff for sure, i prolly need more than one voice for these anyway


the rivet city dude and the friendly native have no characteristics associated with them yet so you could do those for example - the rivet city dude will also be the first to get his voice as i need that quest as a start


carp should be some kind of rough seaman, i cant tell you an example actor atm but well... dunno... he smoked, drank and whored his whole life and that should be reflected in his voice somehow... mmh now that i think of it james brown or joe cocker would fit :P you dont have their number by chance do you? or ill just do him myself after a night of beer of smoke before the breakfast :P (ya see some modders are so devoted they risk their health for you people :P... not that it wouldnt be fun)


whats your age anyway? (no need for detail just a rough sketch like 20+ or 30+ so we can get an idea which character might fit - also would you characterize your voice as soft or harsh?)


mmh reminds me that i need to get a portable microphone to get some voices from the people i know myself... daddies and grandpas are usually quite good :P maybe you can leech some of your relatives and friends too ;)

would be fun to have the natives all be persians for example so there is somekind of affiliation between the accents - the don/merchant people are mostly europeans but as we know europe is a melting pot anyway so a steady accent wont be needed


the barkeeper in the glowing camel inn should also get a voice of somekind, hes an arab tho


oh we also need some female voices, moaning and the like :P



hey dude its kinda hard to get you atm... just tried this morning or your yesterdays eve, could you maybe just post the gecko model on rapidshare or somin?

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Jaysus, I Am NOT going to Let you smoke for that Sea Dog Cpt.Red mate (Pretty sure the Grammar is incorect, lol!)!!!

I'm going to do his voice files.(hehehe nevermind the old Booby Trap General X!)

and as you asked above, I'm 13 Years old (Yeah lol) and I Made my Reputation Because of My age.



How about an Irish-Scotish accent for Salty Cpt.Red?

The Persian Idea Seems fun too, I Just need to get a better Microphone and some skills with audacity and I'm ready to send you samples.

and that Arab Guy...You got it.

But perchance,

Does anyone here know about a good Voice Recorder, A One that Preferebly Shouldn't shout at to get your voice Recorded? My own one is crap.



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