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[WIP] Commonwealth of Modders


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since everything worked so well, ya even the voices are there now :), i added another rifle... Hunter's Friend the mighty beast that punches holes in people as big as a *ban* watermelon...


oh btw yoss, i changed the dusk and dawn lightning a bit as you can see on that pic :) i think now it really looks kitschy...


nice voiceacting as usual btw crow :) the quality can easily keep up with vanilla stuff


edit: i uploaded the newest workfile V098, as usual blank without any textures whatsoever...

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Wow, ok, just read all that, so currently what do i need to do, i can work on it a little this week, i have gigs this weekend, so i haven't been on that much.


I can work on loop sounds. i'm pretty sure it's just a matter of finding the right format for the sound, then placing it in the worldspace sound dialog, or cell dialog windows.


it should loop itself, i know my worldspace music i made does loop that way.


i can't believe i didn't assign conditional responses, considering i practically scream at people to make sure they do that in my tutorials. i'm a stupid.


re-texes. i know i suck.


unique items, i know i added effects. ????


how could that have been lost?


since i wasn't here to address some of these problems, what do i need to do now to make your life easier?


Sorry for all the trouble you are having with all my crap, i'm new to sharing mods with other modders.


Haven't got the wedding pics yet, but as soon as i do, i'll post a link.



Thanks man,


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its all fine now i think :)

the only thing that needs to be done would be to reclutter your new shop with some well clutter like your gumbo and so on

but i can do that no problem...


your food really didnt have any effects lol

neither did you have conditions (dunno how you forgot about all that... ah i know why... lol... stress :D)

the retexes werent retexes at all... you just used totally strange textures instead of the normal ones (baseballbat tex for hunting rifle really doesnt cut it)

the voice acting was great tho... now you only need to do the other characters (only abut 50 or so left :D)


regarding the loop sounds, i want to have the ambience for the pub, thus some background chatter and so on...

the problem also aint to get the sfx to loop but to make a soundfile which connects the end with the beginning so that a real loop is formed and not one where you hear a break in the flow at the end

would be nice if youd know a way to do that


btw do you know a free page with nice SFX files? i searched my ass off and only found crap...


have fun on thy gigs :)

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RE: Loops


yeah, i get what you are saying now. it can be a tricky thing to get them sounding right. basically what you have to do is make sure that the end of the loop has the exact same thing going on that it does at the begining or else you get a "broken loop".


i'll start with just some ambiance, because last time i check there wasn't a lot of people in the pub, so unless you specify, i won't put voices in the background. we could possibly wait until we have conversation for the NPC's.


RE: Other NPC Voices


it's summertime and there are lots of theater majors that have time off, so i will be hitting up the local college campus for actors + actresses to get some variety in the mix. Very excited to get all these people in the island talking.


RE: monkey island music


still haven't been able to find the music for that, but my drummer plays in steel drum ensemble, i'll see if they have any concerts coming up that i could record, or even get him alone on a steel drum and record some of his riffage.


haven't had a cigarette in 5 days. god help me. :wallbash:


alright, well as far as the food items go, if you don't mind, make everything extrememly addictive, but with no adverse addictive side effects, all cajun food is really good, and addictive. :D


i gotta get some sleep-o

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lol that addicton thing sounds cool... will see if its possible...


no cigs? hah thats marriage :P but i think its a really good thing the gals do here... i for example just dont have the urge to smoke that much if gals are round lol... must be some black magic thing or so they get from their mothers...


regarding the voices, i added a whole bunch of dialogue since the last time i updated, just check the "dont download me file"

would be great if you could get even more dialogue of that quality, will update the file this evening/late night gmt time


in the pub we have now: bartender sherif, companion katya, fat joe the counterfeit malo dealer, sanchez the assasin boss and his sidekick (forgot her name lol)

and in the evenings many of the inhabitants hang out in there due to the party package (i guess you want crow to use it too?)


btw your shootingat package did shoot at what exatly? i have to rebuild it as i lost your old room...


regarding steeldrums, i rescently played without the monkey island music and just used the vanilla stuff + fallout 2 music (or was it fallout tactics..no clue) which work quite well too... i guess it doesnt really matter lol... should just be somin... i dunno... no clue right now... if you get an idea or some tunes lets try it...

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lol that addicton thing sounds cool... will see if its possible...


no cigs? hah thats marriage :P but i think its a really good thing the gals do here... i for example just dont have the urge to smoke that much if gals are round lol... must be some black magic thing or so they get from their mothers...


regarding the voices, i added a whole bunch of dialogue since the last time i updated, just check the "dont download me file"

would be great if you could get even more dialogue of that quality, will update the file this evening/late night gmt time


in the pub we have now: bartender sherif, companion katya, fat joe the counterfeit malo dealer, sanchez the assasin boss and his sidekick (forgot her name lol)

and in the evenings many of the inhabitants hang out in there due to the party package (i guess you want crow to use it too?)


btw your shootingat package did shoot at what exatly? i have to rebuild it as i lost your old room...


regarding steeldrums, i rescently played without the monkey island music and just used the vanilla stuff + fallout 2 music (or was it fallout tactics..no clue) which work quite well too... i guess it doesnt really matter lol... should just be somin... i dunno... no clue right now... if you get an idea or some tunes lets try it...


the wife is not making me quit.


re: Voices


Lets say for instance that i have some Voice actor over here to do some characters that you have dialog responses for. It's ok if they don't follow EXACTLY what is written right?

From my experience it's better to let them feel the character out, sometimes they come up with stuff that betters than i've written. most of the time actually because i suck at writing.


Sure you can give crow that package. oh, and he was shooting at those big mutant dummies, like at the citadel, i had one on the left side of the ship. if you are facing it coming from the radio station.


Are there any women on the island that are supposed to be soft spoken and shy, my wife might do a character like that.

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so what makes you quit? the whole health thing? lol

well you can always resort to making tea instead ;) my mom swears on its taste and efficency...

tatses quite like yasmin tea but you can of course mix it with your favourite blend... erm im not talking bout tobacco right now... tobac might be quite leathal as a tea lol so dont do that!!!






sure they can say whatever they want :)

just remember to tell me so i can adjust the text... (i can check it myself but i guess it easier if you write it down right away)




wifes voice:


shy females? never heard of that... you see too many movies :P


well so far not i guess... the only females we have so far are: Mrs Kant the secretary, Juliana the bimbo, Katya the former raider, sonya sanchez's bodyguard, slof and madame somin that whorehouse leader...


Mrs Kant might fit the deal best as she tells the player where everything on he island is and abit of history...

but as you might see at the name which has two meanings that shes not actually thought to be shy...


while i was working on your shop i was thinking bout adding Mrs. Bennet tho so maybe we just make a nice lil quest out of it and add her as her own npc? (but plz no marriage stuff... i never found that whole thing in R.City very appealing and im not in the slightest mood to build a church and all that stuff surrounding it... but maybe a quest to save her from somin... or as a new companion... or somin totally else... any ideas?)


its yours or her choice anyway imo, if you like we can change any of the npcs or add a new one...


oh wait... i still have this scientist lady which was supposed to be your playerhome servant but i changed her to become the island medic... wanted to add her a place to stay right next to your platform... if you two can come up with some neat dialogues we can make a story surrounding the whole thing...

somin with love interest, help em to come together and she becomes a better medic or stuff like that... dunno what would you like to see? ill start with her shack right away and once you decided on somin tell me :)




shooting package:

so that was the reason you changed the worldspace :D lol... k will add one...






the assains quest is now working for real :D

was quite mezzeling what was worng but if found the culprits and now it does what it shall

hurray! say thx todd howard... the professional killer ive sent on you has been ordered back... :P

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Before we start talking about all that, i should learn what it is that i'm screwing up and making hard for you, because everytime i send something your way, you end up having to fix things for me. I don't want to inconvience you like that.


Very cool that i have a shop by radio station. I would love to add another NPC to the island, but i want to be able to collaborate and work on the file(s) without causing too much headache.


RE: Companions


i don't have any idea how to make a companion. i've tried, but failed miserably. i've seen stuff on making companions through use of button menu's, but i prefer the regular vanilla type follower.


i'm gonna open up el-geck right now, as i've been missing it.

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