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[WIP] Commonwealth of Modders


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two words: job & money... simple as that... i went high stakes on my diploma and lost as i have no chance of finishing my project before the deadline in any way close to acceptable... i just took a project which is too complicated a thing to design in 3 month (no wonder most architects suck lol.. how are you supposed to *ban* design somin cool in 3 month and also build a bunch of irl models of it and then add some building plans, text blabla and static calculations???l) and thus will be forced to take some kind of *banned* up job now which leaves me with basicly no time to mod in any way anymore

probably not even to model or do anything besides working...

problem is i dont even know what to work... even the L.E. wont take me lol

yeah life sucks and it got the worst of me now... 6 years spent on nothing but poo that wont help me in any way probably... great... -.-


Dude, i understand your frustration. all that really blows. Life does suck. especially jobs. I make it by the skin of my teeth, and i'm lucky because i get to play guitar for money, but still, it's no picnic, i dreamed of being something much better.... but i've been reduced to a jukebox.

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well i uploaded the current work file...

basicly i think im done... just need to get it uploaded somehow now...

made any new sounds yet Crow?


i just toyed round with audacity abit and made that lil crappy song here:


bad quality and prolly hardcore evil for some ears but hey :D didnt do somin like that since years and as you all know my mic is a cable... not even isolated lol

the songtext was jammed and improvised therefore wont make much sense on the first view, (but on the second!.... maybe)

doesnt fit COMM tho :/



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hurry crow hurry...




-fixed icon size

-fixed raid script

-added some idle chatter

-citizens now close their doors i they aint home

-changed "doc graus" sign to "graus m.d." and gave him a first name "hickory"

-made the deathclaws only appear once and only by you triggering somin

-added "jaysus needs a job" signs (destructable)

-added exploding and non exploding barrels

-fixed some minor bugs here and there as i discovered them

-optimized playerhome with roombounds

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*ban me* that!!! sorry...


but honestly... counting in the last time i tried uploading it i now wasted more than 15h yet just trying to upload :stupid:

hear, to upload it... hear again: to upload it!!! not waiting for an upload while watching porn nor doing anything productive...


today i didnt have any host 32 errors yet (i had them yesterday, thx dear cops for taking in consideration my upload when planning your attacks) but today i had thrice the pleasure to meet the much funkier BOD errors so far :), blue screens with all kinds of error messages...


the best thing is if it happens after the nexus upload bar stops working (it still promises to upload meanwhile though) and you never know how far you exactly came (well maybe that a good thing lol)

i guess the last try was at around 80mb...


pity is i had just written such a nice reply to kaltens post -.- well time to write it again :D cause i love doing things twice... well with girls at least, hey wait my computer aint a sexy girl? damnit... anyway...


now trying to upload again....




in geck only bugs i didnt fix:


ai packages:

package A uses reference B but reference B does not exist - irrelevant as i dont use this package but it might come in handy later

ATTENTION!!! this may lead to your geck crashing on startup if you exited it with the package list showing in the left window!


if the geck loads data which is also errornous (is that a word?) whilts it also processes other data it crashes (can be fixed by loading another mod and then selecting somin else before exiting)

this is prolly due to the fact that the retard of a dev who wrote it never thought that there would be a situation in which the geck actually has to do 3 things at once and simply forgot to give them priorities,

it seems the error message uses the exact same ressources of your mashine that the display of the newly loaded data would need and thus creates an unsolvable conflict


this behavior can also be witnessed during dialogue creation, if you edited the topic title and then click on the topic list whilts the geck has to load its spell checker it will definately crash



item A has no model assigned - irrelevant, these items are token items and dont need a representation ingame



faction A loves faction B but faction B doesnt love faction A - nonsense, this is a behavior supported by the game as one can check out with the setenemy script function; you can make faction A hate B but B love A...

doesnt matter tho in this mod as those factions in question will never meet or dont need a relation


extra spaces:

"blablabla " has one etxra space after it - well... back in the eighties this was a very important bug as each and every single bit was more precious than the one ring but nower days it can be overlooked and is only important for visual reasons

probably written by the same moronick dev mentioned earlier who in this case wanted to show of his qualities and knowledge in computer science




upload now at 16mb and still counting... needs to reach 13Xmb

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