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Cremation mod?


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So far as I know, there's only a few mods to handle corpses in any fashion, mainly through moving them around or decomposing them, although I believe CoHR has a means to devour corpses.

Is there any mod for burning bodies though? Or any mod that contains that ability within it? Burning to nothing, ash, or skeletion, or all three, would be nice.

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I think there's one mod that allows it. I had it for a while. I'm not sure if it's on the Nexus or only on Planet Elder Scrolls... Hmm... I don't remember the name, but I distinctly recall the ability to set a corpse on top of a large fire to cremate it. I got rid of some scamps that way inside Kvatch, using one of the big fires.


Wait! I found it again.


Edited by Rennn
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