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Just enabled objects Invisible after fast travel


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I see nothing in your spoiler, nor the prior one with the script, so I'm still unaware of how you are implementing this. Same with Firefox and IE -- I don't know what's going on there.


A persistent reference is the name given to a 'placed' object in the render window, and it's name is 'Reference Editor ID'. The editor ID itself, which all objects must have, is the name in the 'Object' window called simply 'ID'. For instance, Pork Chop, the arena boar, has the editor ID of 'ArenaBoar', and a render window persistent reference of 'ArenaBoarRef'.


Yes, if your parent is unique, then you are fine there.


It is really odd, and I will admit that I'm having a difficult time getting my head around the idea that an object is enabling but staying invisible -- I've never seen that before. Without having the mod at hand I'm at a bit of a disadvantage, unfortunately.


I was wrong. The editor ID is not the hex number in the object window, that's the form ID. Oops.


I just looked and the editor ID is the same as the Base Object name, unless there is a reference editor ID and then it is the same as the ref editor ID. The link below, about mid way down shows a pic of the reference window I am refering to. It's the top field.

TES Alliance Tutorial link



It is indeed very odd. Especially the semi random nature of it. I'm going to try enabling some objects in a different cell and see if I have different results.


Your more than welcome to a copy of the esp if you feel like spending any more time on it. If you don't have time, I understand.



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Your more than welcome to a copy of the esp if you feel like spending any more time on it. If you don't have time, I understand.


If you upload the mod (assets and all) to somewhere like 4Shared, give me a PM -- don't post the link here. I'll take a look at it, but it won't be tonight -- I have to go out shortly.

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Your more than welcome to a copy of the esp if you feel like spending any more time on it. If you don't have time, I understand.


If you upload the mod (assets and all) to somewhere like 4Shared, give me a PM -- don't post the link here. I'll take a look at it, but it won't be tonight -- I have to go out shortly.



Thanks! No hurry, I plan on tinkering some more tonight, so it might be tommorow anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks to Hickory's help, this seems to have been a problem with using console commands to travel while testing my mod. I have since tried it several times without using console commands to travel to a certain location, and everything works just as I intended it to. Thanks to Hickory for a lot of patience and his help. :thumbsup:
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