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Random Vampire Infection in Werewolf character


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Has anyone else had this happen. After a random battle (Serana is in the party as a follower), I suddenly get the message "Your vampiric powers recede as you feed". After fast travel to any location, during daylight hours,the "Your vampiric blood begins to boil".. message. Cure disease potions,shrines,etc have no effect on removing this, even though my character is a werewolf. Any solutions other than loading an earlier game save?
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It is possible to catch vampirism in Skyrim after already being a werewolf - and vice versa. Stupid I know but there it is. However, without a mod you shouldn't be able to be both at the same time :unsure: Not at all sure what happened there.


Try openning the console and typing, "setstage 000EAFD5 10"

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