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How to make Skeleton recruits very common .


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In my first full skelly game i ended up with 9 people after 150 days and it is tiresome to run around the continent only to find a single skelly recruit once every month . Don't be intimidated by the clicks you have to do , my moding skills are at dust bandit level so if i can do it you can as well .



1. Open the Forgotten Construction Set


2. Scroll down and chose Towns


3. On the right there is the field with Bar Squads preselected


4. Click Add


5. The Select bar squads reference window opens


6. Type List so only recruit lists appear


7. Now click on any of the references to add , just keep in mind it is not a good idea to add robots to HN towns .


Let's say we selected Shark in Towns and added Recruit List Swamper in Select Bar Squads


8. Click on Recruit List Swamper


9. The Recruit List Swamper window opens and on the top right AI packages is selected , we don't want that ! so scroll down the list and chose chosefrom list


10. Hit Add and the Select chosefrom list Reference window opens


11. Go at the bottom of the window and type Skeleton


12. Now you can add doctors and drifters and generic recruits . The Skeleton recruit 2700 and Skeleton recruit 700 are always recruitable the rest not always .


You can add multiple selections !


13. After adding them you will see that there is a number on the right of the list , i believe those are the chances of those recruits appearing . Give them a good 20 to make sure that you will always find someone to hire at bars .


Some towns already have recruit lists and you will have to skip the first steps , there are less than 10 of those lists if you skip HN and editing them will result in recruits everywhere those lists are added .


That is it !


I know i can upload my "mod" but people will probably want balancing & updates and i am nor a moder neither i want to spend my limited gaming time fiddling with numbers .

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