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[LE] Player Home, New World problems

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Hi all, I'm a new modder and having alot of fun with the CK.

I build a home and want to make it children, wife frendly.

So I started following the tutorial posted here for multiadoption house.

- Create external location for the house.

- Put a mapmaker outside the house.

- In the new external location windows, click on the world location bar and select the new mapmarker.

This is were is not working. The target icon stays red when I move it over the mapmarker to select it. I can't.


My home is in a New World I've made, is not in Tamriel.


Can someone help to explain why I cannot select my mapmarker ?


Thanks alot :smile:



Edited by Droopy2016
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You are not required to have a mapmarker at all for the Multiple Adoptions Mod, what you do need is to create an 'External Location' and and 'Internal Location' and set the exterior and interior cells to these locations. The 'Interior location' should have the 'Exterior Location' as a parent.


Maybe you are confusing the instructions, not sure what you mean by world location bar, but whatever it is the Map Marker is not a legal selection for it, hence its red.

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Yes, I've made INT location and EXT location and the INT location has the EXT location as Parent. The "World Location Bar" I mean by that is the World Location Marker Ref. I have to select the MapMarker with this. Button is red. Can't select. But futher more...I've put and Xmarkerheading in my EXT location cell to have my horse appear when I fast travel back to my house but again, when I use the Horse Marker Ref of my EXT location, it's red too, can't select it.


I can't pin point what I'm doing wrong :(



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Oh, I see what you mean, I have never had a need to use this in any of my worldspaces. Having had a look at it, the only time it doesn't work is if the exterior cell (in which you are trying to select the marker) hasn't got that Location assigned to it; might be worth checking.

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I don't quite understand what your saying (I'm french). But after trying a thousand thing and still won't work, I think maybe I found the reason for all of this. After hitting the B key, seeing the border cell, my house is at the very line beetween 2 cells. I put both cell with the EXT location. Can I do that ? 2 cells with the same location ? I used the Bless Home thing and got a positive answer so I suppose is ok. oufffff I'm at a lost here.


1 - mapmarker can't select

2 - Horse Marker can't select

3 - Carriage system won't work


In the past I've made MODs to pratice myself. And all worked great and the only difference is that I was in Tamriel not a new world.


Anyway thanks for any help you can give, apreciated :)



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You can certainly have 2 cells with the same location;l but for this case when you need to select something in that location you may only be able to have one unique location name (try it and see). Your house exterior can only really be in one Exterior Cell, the one with the Teleport marker on it.

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Sorry for stepping in Droopy2016.

@ agerweb

One question.

I have three dungeons that they weren't initially design to become "Player's Houses", but in the end i turned them to be own by the player.

(At the beginning of the mod's creation i had no plans in making player's houses, it was a last addition.)

* I still haven't dig into the "Hearthfire multiple Adoptions mod" to see how it works, and you can save me some valuable time.

* The mod i just finished (Monday 15/6/20 6.30 in the morning... finally !) is mainly a quest mod, but my sister insisted to make those dungeons/houses to become "Player Owns", she really... REALLY like them, so i did.

My question:

If my "Exterior Location" is an interior cell, like an epic cave, this system won't work or it doesn't care about interior/exterior cells.

Thank you very.. Very much in advance !.

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The system seems to depend on markers in locations and given a location object is the same for exterior and interior cells you would think it would not make any difference. Except that some markers are not legal for interior cells (eg mapmarkers). You would have to dig into the mod itself to find out if it had any specific dependencies on there being an exterior cell; but you would only both doing that if something didn't work.

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