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Actual water from Rain (Dynamic rain?)


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Is this possible? Rain that actually fills little tiny nooks in roads, possible increases water levels of small water sources or larger ones? Actual water runoff from rooftops?


Duno, would be pretty damn tight though. Pretty sure the game doesn't currently do this.

Edited by Armedsauce
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Lets think about it logically in real life. Water falls from the sky because of condensation+water cycle. Now it creates runoff and collects in certain areas creating puddles. Well those puddles would need to drain eventually and each drop would need physics attached to it. The bottom line? The engine would probably die form trying to calculate each and every drop and even if it did it would require a lot more to get the puddles to "absorb" into the ground/etc.

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That's impossible with current tech. No modern engine, and no modern card, would be able to run a game with that. It already stresses the absolute highest end of pcs to simply run dynamic water physics, even without a game attached. Even Skyrim's vaunted dynamic snow is an extremely simple mesh and shader effect, without the capacity for real physics or accumulation.


However, a good imitation would be possible. I imagine you'd need to apply some kind of "wet, shiny" effect to all the meshes. You'd need to activate animated runoff on the buildings, and you'd need to add puddle meshes. It'd be a lot of work, but a suitable imitation is plausible.

Edited by Rennn
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  • 1 year later...

Hello, I'm from one year into the future, just wanted to say it's not "...impossible with current tech. No modern engine, and no modern card, would be able to run a game with that." It's actually been done in Ghotic 4 and I bet a few other, more graphic focused games, have done this aswell, but don't expect anybody to make a mod for this.

Edited by mechapt
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A more realistic one would have better weather (rain) mod.


How about storms? I like that idea.


Every map/cell/whatevs would have a water layer underneath, and depending upon the strength of the rain/storm, the water level will rise, and rise until it floods. It's possible, but I can't do it myself. my CK is bugged. It crashes, stuff like that. I really like this idea, I wish I could help..


Why this idea would work:

  1. Every city or just about every place that has roads are uneven. it's not like they're cemented and layered with asphalt and had a giant rolling pin flatten them perfectly.
  2. it won't lag a lot, plus, physics objects will float above them.
  3. How about adding a weak invisible unrelenting force shout from random directions? That way the physics objects get blown away when there's a storm?

Anyway, I like this idea.


Oh, and there shouldn't be the water layer thingy I said in places that doesn't rain. It'd be useless. Plus it's hard to make in dawnstar.

Edited by Dohkaviin
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I was about to point that out for him but, I thought everyone already knew that and I would be pointing out the obvious. Anyway, in my idea, it doesn't need the physics thingy for the raindrops. Just dynamic water level whenever it rains.

: At the thieves guild quests, you will battle Mercer Frey and the water level will rise. That's my idea, although not that high, of course. Just enough so that there's puddles.

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  • 5 years later...
7 years and a day into the future. It has been propperly finished, tested, and perfect everywhere... Except PlayStation. All y'all PS4 players who pretend y'all got the "better system" if it ain't a PC, Xbox is the next best thing. Only thing we don't get is the script extended for stuff like dual Sheathe redux. We do however get a mod that gives us 128 followers.
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