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Form 43


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For many mods it does not matter.




provides some insight in what records in a mod do matter when it comes to form 43/44. If someone has some more up to date actual information (like, data, not hearsay) that would be welcome.


The rest is just noise; mod makers upload their free stuff, all that follows afterwards is your problem. Caveat emptor, as they used to say.

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if your experience is from 3 years ago i can confirm many problems in this time but all mostly game or skse related. this was the reason i waited another two years. but things have changed and skse works stable.


i did tests and offered mods tested by users and i've got only positive feedback - not even one negative feedback so far! so i'm clearly not alone with my experience.

this does not mean that any form 43 will be sse compatible out of the box. but i'm sure you will find also form 44 mods that are not ;)


a big problem for me is if people claim a form 43 related problem and if i ask they are not sure anymore. this confuses the standard user and let him think he "needs" form 44 and form 43 is across board "bad" which is not true!


so i'm still waiting for the first mod which is proven to be incompatible or causing trouble just because it is form 43 and not form 44.

in the meantime my sse setup still works with form 43 mods and without converting anything :)

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I remember I used FGT for a long time in form 43, and after I converted to form 44 it kept the same issues as before.

FGT is incompatible with MHIYH. For these two to work together, you have to evict the follower from your home.

He will also come back if you use the summon command from iAFT. To avoid this, you will have to part ways with him, right after you send him to wander.

These are inherent problems with FGT, and in no way related to form 43, as they will also happen if you convert it to form 44.

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i have comparable experiences. first thought problems were form 43 related because i was inexperienced with sse and because some people claimed form 43 as "bad" and "do not use it in sse it will break your game". but after discovering the reasons and solving the mod problems i can say it all had nothing to do with form 43 and my game still runs stable with all the form 43 le mods.

most problems i found were incompatible or faulty meshes and textures with old or dirty formats only running with le but even causing problems there. also le script structure does not work out of the box in sse.

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