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Skyrim crashes when I loot specific amours.


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I've been playing the Dawnguard expansion and every time I loot Vampire armor off female bodies it crashes about 3/5 times.

It also happens with fur armor and with my Dandelion armor (when I take it off) but it hasn't bothered me that much since I don't encounter those often.

I have the UNP body with underwear installed and various other mods so I was wondering if it has something to do with that.

Could anyone help me? Thanks

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It may be so that the UNP body version you have doesnt support the vampire armor model, if you have mayby Book of silence (armor mod that changes the normal skyrim armors to HD and makes it better looking) then the case may be that your UNP body isnt compatible with some other armor modifcation mod (Like a retuxtere mod of fur armor, which mayby makes it HD, like Book of silence), that's most likely the cause of your crash when you loot vampire armor, or it may be that you have a UI mod installed and it's outdated. '¨


Always keep your mods up to date, Nexus mod manager will show a yellow warning sign next to the mod name when there is a new version avaiable.


If you are useing steam workshop, then the launcher will auto-update any mods that you have active and subscribed to.

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All my mods are updated definitely. It only happens around half the time I loot those armors though which confuses me.

I have a crapload of mods installed but ones that affect armors are

aMdian Book of Silence

UNP Female armors

UNP Dawnguard armors


Maybe I should just disable each mod one at a time and see if it's a specific mod's fault.

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yeah, I think one of your mods may be crashing with the Book of silence mod. And, you could try disableing each mod, but I don't know if it's a good idea if you are in the middle of a long game.



And if it only happens around half the time, clear your save, and by that, I mean, delete your auto-saves and stackt saves (If you have for example currently you use save 143, then you can move out all the saves from 1-140 for example, this will minimal the memory usage and it will not delete your content, and it will lessen the risk of CTD) and disable auto-saves completely because they can literally be the cause of eventual ctds (They eat too much memory in your saves folder), only use normal saving. And always type PCB (in console) after loading a new area, it clears up the cache memory, which single function is to make it faster for you to load a previous area you just loaded, like if you are inside breezehome and then go out, well the cache will have saved happend in breezehome when you were there , so that when you reenter breezhome directly after you left breezehome, the loading screen will take a lot less time, but at the sacrifice of stacking a lot of unnececary memory, which can lead to bugs in the game and CTD's. PCB clears the cache, and in advantage it makes the risks of bugs and ctds smaller but at a disadvantage loading a area may take 1 or 2 seconds longer to load (which isn't realy anything to mind about).


The cache also saves other overflow memory, like it remembers what you took from that bear about 3 saves ago, all that can add up a lot of memory. Which can overload your saves eventually. That's why PCB is a very good command and it's very good to make typeing pcb a habbit of. Just type pcb before you save a game, and type pcb after entering a dungeon etc.

Edited by Bjornheim
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Sorry to resurrect this topic, but I can't find info on this problem anywhere. I am using the Alt Navetsea UNP Seamless body replacer mod for females, using the base UNP 1.2 body mesh. I then installed the DIMONIZED UNP Underwear version of the base body so they wouldn't be nude after looting armors. Every so often I get a CTD when looting from a female. I have UNP compatible armor mods installed to update the vanilla and DLC armors to UNP versions. I am also using Immersive Armors, with the UNP pack. As far as I'm aware, nothing should be wrong here, as all mods I'm using for females are based on the 1.2 version UNP mesh. I noticed I get this problem ONLY when I use the underwear version of the base body. If I don't use the underwear from DIMONIZED and keep the nude base body from Alt Navetsea UNP Seamless, I don't get this problem.


I'm not a modder, but my initial thought is that a script is encountering an error or conflict somewhere when it tries to swap from the armored body to the body with underwear. It happens literally the instant I loot the armor from the corpse's inventory, right when that mesh swap would happen. So it seems there is an issue with the underwear mesh itself, considering it doesn't happen when the plain, nude body is installed. Any idea how to fix this? I really would prefer to not have a bunch of nude bodies all over the place, and the vanilla female models are pretty sucky.



Omg, I'm so dumb. I just now saw on the DIMONIZED UNP files page an optional update that says "Bikini CTD Fix". I will try this out and see if it works.

Edited by ittybits
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