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Overall Texture Replacer


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I decided to throw Morrowind back on my harddrive... At the moment I am downloading mods to customize my game.... of course!


I have no idea which texture replacer to use! Ha, I want higher resolution on my enviroment and I know I have had a mod like this in the past... So is there any you would recommend?

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Visual Pack is a great full replacer: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...ail&id=2915


I prefer Connary's work, but he's not yet finished. Individual downloads here: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...ng&id=29044


Also, take a look at Vality's stuff: http://vality7.googlepages.com/home

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  • 3 weeks later...
Visual Pack is a great full replacer: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...ail&id=2915


I prefer Connary's work, but he's not yet finished. Individual downloads here: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...ng&id=29044


Also, take a look at Vality's stuff: http://vality7.googlepages.com/home


Is that visual pack better than visual pack xt?

are texture replacers compatible with MGE and ENB?


sorry for my noob questions but this would help me alot

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Good to see that you have reinstalled morrowind on to your computer, as have I. I've got a plethora of very high quality, non conflicting mods that I have running while I play Morrowind.


The texture replacer I use, and I find to be best is "Darker Morrowind." The textures are very realistic, and add a very nice, vanilla feel to the game. Many textures have a similar look to the original game, but are just more hi-res and detailed. I highly suggest you look into finding the Darker Morrowind download, as I know it most likely exists on Planet Elder Scrolls (Formally known as Morrowind Summit.)

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  • 1 month later...

Good Question

This is my opinion


Darker morrowind or visualpack 2.11, 2.2, xt(all three are required)

Darknuts Weapons

Darnuts Armour (both of these turn the vanilla armours and weapons into some thing special)

Crosshair pack 1 and 2, Funkys crosshairs (customise the cross hair very cool)

Mounehold texture replacer or Magicalmournehold the emerald ity Q3 remix

Particle arrow replacer

Propylon lighting

Better bodies

Better heads

Barabus fireplaces

Swampy swamps

Greater Dwemer Ruins

Misc item replacer

Item improvements


reflective gold

Darker morrowind windows glow

All of connerys monster replacer (you may want to add Piratelords creatures as well)

Potions and scrolls clean

Realsigns(note there is about 5 good sign mods this is just my preference)

vivic canton signs

faylynns signs

Quarls statue replacer

Vivec expansion

Rj better trees

Bloodmoon landscape overhaul

Deadric better glow

Better potions

Better scrolls

better Books



These are just a few I use

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