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Has anyone gotten wild nudity project to work these days?

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It seems that the most popular mod for removing lingerie (wild nudity project) doesn't work anymore with the latest GOTY edition. The bodies of the NPCs become invisible. Mind you, I don't want the always-nude patch for all NPCs but just lingerie removal like the non-GOTY version of the game. I tried another mod which is a lingerie remover but nothing changes with that installed. I have other mods and check for compatibility issues and nothing is wrong.


Is there a mod that works these days? The description of the WNP says to install one of two textures but both links are broken. I'm guessing it's related to that?


Any help would be appreciated. I'm only looking to remove lingerie so characters look naked when they should be naked like in the brothel and things like that. Thank you.

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There is nothing wrong with the link to Naturally Bushy.


However, there is this:

NOTE: Mods won't work when you use spawn command from debug console. You'll see only a floating head.
NOTE: With Witcher patch 1.10 and newer there are issues with older mods.

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The natural bushy mod link wasn't working yesterday but it works today, odd. I wouldn't want to see wild bush but I guess if it's to improve immersion.... I also don't use the command console, I don't even have the console mod installed so i'm not sure why the floating head thing happens. I'll try to install the bushy mod and see if that fixes it.



The fix was to install it manually. Vortex doesn't work well with witcher 3 it seems.

Edited by hedgie2019
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