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Evolutive Race Suggestion


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I would suggest creating a race that evolve over the playing time

By starting the game as a child, then a teenager, after Adult.


I do not know if this is possible in this game, I'm not a mods creator, I'm a programmer analyst and I think it is lacking in Skyrim.


Thank you!


ps.: Sorry for my English (if any errors), I'm French Canadian.




Bethesda should create real tutorials for moders to avoid mistakes! (Including cleaning).

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If this were to be realised in some way, I imagine that the entire game storyline would have to be re-written alongside. I mean, the player character starts the game on death row for border jumping. Would the Nords do that to a child? That's easy enough to overcome with an alternative start mod of course, but how would the story progress with a child championing issues across Skyrim? Unless the story was ignored altogether, of course... or the imagination was stretched to the limit (hey, it's just a game).


Personally, I think it would be rather... odd to roleplay a child doing all that hero/heroine stuff, but hey... the growing up part would be interesting I guess.


But -- there's always a 'but' -- it doesn't take a genius to foresee the kind of mods that would evolve (or at least try to) alongside an idea like this, and I really, really shudder at the thought of that.

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