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The Manhatten Project


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have finished prilims of the Vertibird. Its largely the same, cept it has been cut down. I figured that they would cave captured a crashed one and fixed it up, so i cut away large panels leaving the crew cabin exposed (like a black hawk helicopter)


the tail is mostly just struts as there seemed little point in wasting large pieces of metal repairing a a part that doesnt have any moving parts and (hopefully) wouldnt be seeing any combat. The gun on the front has been unmoved, cos we all like guns, and the "windows" on the front have been removed leaving the pilot exposed.


I figure cos it seemed to be mainly AI controlled, that it never really needed much in the way of sight, as it would have varius sensors and satnav and whatnot, so cutting out the AI and fitting a pilot in was a challange without changing the entire feel of the craft. I cut out the windows or gun ports so that the pilot could see his surroundings, but the main view would still be via the cameras on the front.


Finally, i put some teeth on the front (very naam i thought) and painted a girl on the side. As its priliminaries, it has no colour and is low on the detail tho, but i shall scan it in asap


Once again, i have yet to get to a scanner tho, so if your patient, it'll be done either tomorrow or the day after.

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So I've had this idea for a rather ambitious TC since I started playing Fallout 3. I didn't know if it was possible, but looking over the recently released GECK I am quite sure it is.


Here's the basics of the idea:


Instead of playing the Vault Dweller from 101, why not have a completely new story, zones, NPCs and so on based on someone emerging from a Vault in Manhatten?


From what I've been able to figure out, the GECK makes this possible, enabling you to more or less toss aside the current world map and so forth for an entirely different starting area, if you wished.


Instead of being the son of James, you'd be a different Vault Dweller who leaves for different reasons.


I've already got a bunch of concepts and story ideas and NPC outlines all done up, but here's the tricky part:


I'm rubbish at the actual coding and construction aspects of modding. However, the GECK is very similar to the TES Construction Kit and I'm sure many of you have lots of experience and might possibly be interested in the challenge of help making this mod a reality.


So, what I'm suggesting here isn't so much a simple mod request, per se, but more an invitation to team up to bring a whole different story to Fallout.


Anyone interested?




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I love the idea of Manhattan as a setting for a Fallout TC or Expansion having just moved away from that god-awful island. I'm sure Bethesda tossed the idea around themselves (I am Legend anyone?)The best part is, Manhattan has the most apt and perfect structure for there to be a city within. Not the ridiculously overrated Empire State Building, but its far more attractive cousin, The Chrysler Building. Not only does it fit perfectly into the art-deco design and style elements of the game, but its already a part of the canon as Chrysler is parodied in the Fallout universe as Chrysulus. Voila! The Chrysulus Building. Home to a city and hands down the most beautiful building ever created.



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already a chryslus building in dc wasteland


Yes, because I'm sure that was their ONLY building. I mean why would a car company need more than one structure on the entire planet? I'm sure they can do everything from that one building in D.C. Far be it for me to point out that the Chrysler Building is in Manhattan but the Chrysler Company has always been headquartered in Auburn Hills, Michigan. Therefore, my original post stands.

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