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External Harddrive solves problem?


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So I thought I would ask one of you fine folks about a problem I have been having.

In the past month I bought Skyrim and aside from it being possibly the best game I've seen in a dog's age, I've been having some problems.

Mainly when I play skyrim, I can usually go about 30-40 minutes before it crashes. At times I've had it working well enough that it would go for a bit longer without any problems.

Possibly there are two reasons for this, I suspect them to be possible overloading the system with mods or the truthful fact my computer isn't completely up to par due to age and being a bit banged up.

However a new computer is out of the question.

So I had the idea of what if I ran it off a external harddrive, would this possibly not over load my comp? Or s it better to invest in a cooling pad or replace the thermal coolant gel?

I would appreciate any feed back!


Also my specs are


Acer Aspire 5745G

NVidia GeForce 310.70 (latest update)

ntel Core i3-370M processor 2.4GHZ, 3MB L3 Cache

750 GB HDD


The game runs smoothly on medium settings.

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