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This crash doesn't make a lot of sense???


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I'm just asking for a little insight you don't even have to help me out right but it would be greatly appreciated it and thanks to any modder who helps me.

For some reason I crash on Fo3 every time I start UP!? reason it not making sense is cause the Load order is basically fine I don't seem to understand what could be conflicting

its even well organized and put in order and it even gets pass the Fallout 3edit menu with out a warning.Also I would like to clarify it was a clean install...


Is there anyway I can post my load order so you can help?

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rockygohard18 - Hello!


Crash on start up of modded Fallout 3 is almost always due to a missing master.


In other words you're missing an .esm that another plugin needs.


Using a patch for a mod that you don't have is a very common cause.


People often install every plugin they find with a download without noticing some are patches to be used only if you have the corresponding mod.


Say you used MMM - DLC Point Loockout plugin but did not have Point Lookout installed, the game would crash on start up.


In your mod manager you can left click on mods & a list of their masters will come up in the box below. Those masters must be in your load order for that plugin to work.


"Is there anyway I can post my load order so you can help?"


As SpartanVOO1 says, your mod manager can do that.


FOMM has "Load Order" at the top & you can click on "Export" to save it somewhere. NMM should have something simillar.


Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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