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Esp/GECK malfunction?


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OK this one has really got me annoyed, I just made some edits to my mod and this happens. I added a scripted companion to my mod today, went in-game to test it, wasn't there, went out to look in the GECK again and this happens


'File in Use' with a timer that goes on and on and the mod will not load




Can anybody explain why this could b happening? How can my esp be running if it's not loaded into anything?

Edited by Ironman5000
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Yeah I forgot it was a simple matter of manually correcting the extension, it's only happened to me like once before and that was ages ago!


Ah well fixed now :thumbsup:


EDIT: You know you still got your xmas hat on? :tongue:

Edited by Ironman5000
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I'm glad you got it sorted out.


By the way...


You know you still got your xmas hat on?

I'm half Serbian so I celebrate 2 christmas', one on 25.12. and one tomorrow http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif

Edited by Werne
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