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Can't install Shiviering Isles latest patch on install of oblivion


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Hi first post here I'll try and not take too much of your time. So I installed oblivion finally again yesterday haven't played in years and on my new laptop yet. So I installed it patched it with just oblivion patch to the latest version. From what I understand you can't then update your Shivering Isles DLC. So I uninstalled Oblivion usings Auslogics Registry Cleaner and removed registries I used RevoUninstaller to uninstall it and between myself and Revo I found all spots locating information about Oblivion and deleted them (Program FIles(x86)/Bethesda Softworks/Oblivion (Deleted the Bethesda folder) virtualstore and oblivion in AppData/local/ folder) restarted my computer. Installed oblivion and then did the whole Shivering Isles thing and then tried to patch it. Fail...I get the thing pretty much saying I've updated already


Old File not found. However, a file of the same name was found. No update done since file contents do not match.


What can I do since I've only literally redone this oblivion reinstallation 20 times now everytime trying new things and so on.

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What Oblivion package are you installing? Is it Steam, hard copy (CD), Direct2Drive? GOTY?
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Just to make sure, you are not trying to install the non-SI 1.2.0416 patch after you installed Shivering Isles?

The advised order is Oblivion -> Shivering Isles -> SI 1.2.0416 patch. Also make sure your language versions are an exact match!

You cannot patch an SI installation with a non-SI patch nor can you patch a US version of the game with, say, a DV patch. I'm not sure about how well playing together a US game and a UK patch will be or vice versa.


If your Oblivion is from Steam, it should be updating automatically through Steam. I expect the downloadable "disc-version" patches not to work then.

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