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CS crashes when creating dialog


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I really need some help. I am making a mod in which I can buy a usable pack donkey (yes, I know there already is one... I want my own), but I cannot get the dialog to work. I can get as far as making a new topic, but when I try to make a response, the CS crashes every single time. When I select "New" when right-clicking in the info box, the Construction Set instantly crashes. I don't know what to do, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have the getisplayablerace check set to 1, so that's not it. I'm really majorly frusterated with this, as I need to make dialog for another mod as well, but get the same disasterous result. If anyone knows how to fix this, please let me know as soon as possible.



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I'm guessing you have RealTek audio card on Windows Vista or 7. It's a known issue. Plug a microphone (or earphones) into the jack, and it should solve your problem. Alternatively, use the Construction Set Extender.
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I should have mentioned it in my initial post, but make sure you have the CS closed before you plug in the microphone/headphones. Only open the CS after it's plugged in, else it will still crash.
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Thank you so much!! Works like a charm. You're a life saver, or at least the saver of my sanity. :)


Cool. 'Have pack donkey, will travel'. :biggrin:

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