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Thank you. It's pretty fun to learn and see how easy it is. Some stuff leaves you stunned for a while until you figure out and once the 1st one is done any other after it under the same category is a swift breeze. I began adding the cut stuff to the base game now. Just added the OLH hospital cut sign, now makes it easier to spot it from one of the metros in the Dupont Plaza Circle. While there I also put the unused Dupont station sign tho it looks like the used one but oh well. There also I put inside Lady Frumperton's Fashion the two cut unique 1950's style suits I modified to look different and with diff stats as well as a note regarding them. They are Called "New Fashion" :laugh: I also added in the Flodded metro the "Floded Sewer" metro signs and removed the generic Metro station sign so the station now has the name it was meant to be for it. I also added the Citadel cut area signs (mess hall, hospital etc) as well as the street cut signs 2nd street, co canal. Placed them were best fit based on google maps. However even with maps there is no Santiago dt anywhere in the playable Washington or Virginia section of the game so I could not place that sign anywhere. The other signs and other world objects I'll add in the coming days.


I also forgot I put the Emancipation proclamation that Abe Washington is missing in his RC museum. Framed just like the others. and also put the soil Stradivarius open case in Agatha's house for when you complete the violin quest. It's a reference so it appears only when you complete the quest in her favor. (Ie not sell the violin to someone else)

How is your project coming along?

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Been busy , getting things ready for My daughters birthday party on the 29th.

I Ordered her a new laptop, $2300.00 worth of toy so she does better in school. her grades had all A's 2 A+ and two B-. best I could hope for was all B's.


So now Her dad's going ahead with next years plans for her. Arranging drivers ED for her.. a surprise.


I finished the Montague I made for her ,the project. So that's going into her Toy when she turns it on.


Been a busy MOM.


I'll send to you a copy of Fallout remastered so you can dig through some of it's contents. You might find some things useful. Just don't use the code , just use the ideas. Compare things. it will help you with your endeavor.

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That's well deserved. There should be a big party to celebrate all that. What a nice set of grades. They look like mine in elementary school but until there. After was not so well tho mine were abc no less than that. I worked today so I couldn't come to reply earlier. Thank you for that. I've kept adding tidbits here and there with good progress. I haven't opened the gift yet. I feel like once I get temporarily stuck It'll be the best time to open it. But indeed I will at some point maybe soon. I believe I work tomorrow so you might not see me again. Hope you had this and have tomorrow a good day if i'm absent. See you soon Purr and thank you.

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That's well deserved. There should be a big party to celebrate all that. What a nice set of grades. They look like mine in elementary school but until there. After was not so well tho mine were abc no less than that. I worked today so I couldn't come to reply earlier. Thank you for that. I've kept adding tidbits here and there with good progress. I haven't opened the gift yet. I feel like once I get temporarily stuck It'll be the best time to open it. But indeed I will at some point maybe soon. I believe I work tomorrow so you might not see me again. Hope you had this and have tomorrow a good day if i'm absent. See you soon Purr and thank you.

That's precisely why and what it's for.

Yeah, the whole family getting in on the action here.

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Hello there! Hope you are doing good. I modified and added more stuff and created new stuff too. I'm so excited. I added to areas that make sense. The cut TranquilityLane, ProjectPurity and parents pictures, the Halls of tomorrow cut banner, the big and small mechanist gears in his forge, the paradise falls billboars and dtca paper map and 4 cut loading screens. I also added unused effects like Atomization to the Fatman and Mirv weapons, Nukalurk rad poisoning to the Nukalurks, added the cut rank 2 and 4 of the lifegiver perk, Shock damage effect to the Shock Hammer and Lightning Gun (Also touched up that gun with it's own beam and uses the tribeam laser model. Looks good), I created the Dunce Cap (all white with the dunce word going down) to use the cut dunce cap object effect. Other objects effect were distributed to some new and cut armors I already worked in the past. The Resonance armor is now white in texture, I made a poison suit that is blue out of the radiation suit which gives poison resistance like the rad suit does for rad resistance. I also created the first aid kid and a new similar one First rad kit. The aid kit is a stimpak and medx as it was intended and the first rad kit is the opposite its a rad away and a radx at the same time and the texture was changed to have a radiation symbol instead of the first aid kit's cross symbol. I also added the super stimpak with the same withdrawal as buffout as addiction. I also forgot I created a unique lead pipe and Rolling Pin since those have no unique variants. The Lead pipe is called Rusty pipe and looks rusty using the Vault ruined metal shelf ruined texture and caused minor poison damage. The unique rolling pin is a white textured one, using Sycamore bark as the wood. It does a little more damage than the regular and I think no additional effect. Hopefully those along Clarissa's 10mm Armor piercing Silenced gun mark so all basic weapons have an unique variant.

Currently checking on the cut quest and stages (Infiltration and wasteland survival guide. I'm also at the very end (after I add characters armors, notes terminals and items) plan to add a major area accessible from the caved in metro section behind mason district that leads to Crystal City using a new mtero tunnel. That's were I'll use the cut crystal city metro signs, unused prewar mower models with their remote, recycler, pristine school desk, Bureau of special affairs and center for extra-typical research signs, the unused generic brown Bank sign, Fusion generator, garden hose, hi res tv and the static robot models unused.

That is all in a special world hopefully kinda like Takoma Park is isolated from the rest of the wasteland, where i'll try to built an explorable building, an open Acuppa Joe, Barbershop, Robco parts where those models of robots will be, Detective office (were the detective hat and suit likely will be) A Lone Wanderer bike shop, a comic stand area, and add some new mini quests, unmarked quests and general populace. I had bigger plans but might be too much. (unknown if I add a new raider camp, radio tower, prison, sewer, factory building, cave) But all this extra post mod stuff is too big for me and i'm very slow so I might not have time to finish the mod. I just want to add the basic stuff. After that I'll decide if I go into that huge odyssey.

Hope you've been well. sorry for late response again. work :laugh:

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Oh! thanks I'm having fun. Still noob levels but i'm having fun indeed and I feel motivated. Once finished I'll try to upload it for you so you can check it tho it's not a specific mod it actually adds and fixes stuff in the entirety of the game and by that it means the dlcs so Not sure if you'd have the time to play the entire game dlc included from start to finish. But it'll be fun. Would love a bug report. So far i'd need to test it first then later offer it once it's stable.

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Oh! thanks I'm having fun. Still noob levels but i'm having fun indeed and I feel motivated. Once finished I'll try to upload it for you so you can check it tho it's not a specific mod it actually adds and fixes stuff in the entirety of the game and by that it means the dlcs so Not sure if you'd have the time to play the entire game dlc included from start to finish. But it'll be fun. Would love a bug report. So far i'd need to test it first then later offer it once it's stable.

Keep in mind, anything no finalized will be finalized by me

I don't run anything that's got alignments off.


there is a process, it's long and tedious but when it's all done, any mod runs smooth as silk as if there isn't any.

EDIT: This is a bit of a shot @ Bethesda.


"the worldspace is in the brand name" " Bethesda ruins"


The shoddy workmanship given to the data involved and the crap tools we are gifted with require some Brass balls to overcome

that part of the games structure and know that is half the battle.


There is always a reason we do things.

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You won't let details slip that's for sure. A job is not well done if it's buggy. I'll try my best. I just modified the Wasteland Survival Guide to add that extra printing request step but it's optional. I have not tested it because my current save is nearly completed minus the AAFB enclave quest but I'll load a non complete save to check. The quest add the option to help moira with printing the books. If so she'll direct you to hubris comics with hopefully a marker enabled if you haven't discovered the area. She'll give you the manuscript and you go to the printing floor of Hubris Comics. You fiddle with the press and the terminal and hopefully you print that copy of the Grognak the barbarian that is already "loaded" :laugh: Then you can print the survival guide books and you can pick them up. This also enables the encounter there with Clancy the centaur. After that you are tasked to return to moira (obvious haha) and give her her books printed. While printing the manuscript is properly removed and is also was set as quest. The printed books are quest and she removes them when you arrive. (hopefully the dialogue condition is correct to trigger it) Has a reward for that she says she hopes the player didn't inhale any smoke or ink and to resolve that next time she rewards the player with the surgical mask from that quest not the dad's one or the broken steel one.) for smoke protection and 3 Abraxo Cleaners for the ink stain problems. After that if done correctly the quest continues onward and is completed. Or you can say you don't want to help and she proceeds to the normal dialogue and ends the quest as the normal finished game does. I'm gonna check if that is all done well. I didn't get any script errors when compiling so at least i know the functions and references are done activated etc done. Now to check if it does work or I made an epic fail and locked the quest uncompleted or game crashing. Wish me luck. We all know the Wasteland Survival Quest is a seriously complicated quest. Both tedious to do in game and code wise so I hope I fiddled with it's code correctly. I'm gonna be honest I did it and feel confident but at the same time I have the spine persistent that I messed up in epic proportions so not really setting my expectation high on this attempt. Testing time. Let's see the outcome. :ohdear:


Preliminary testing. The grognak part works and so does clancy. however I have yet to test the manuscript part mainly because i'm at hubris at the incorrect quest time so i don't have the manuscript from moira but will add it via console to check. The only bug so far is that the grognak message is incorrectly attributed to the manuscript terminal option. However fiddling in with Hubris comics I have found out that items are actually duplicated. Explain you say. Well what I mean is that in the game files The terminal used for the printing press is called hubris printing terminal and the press activator below is called simply printing press and it's attached to a printing conveyor belt. The duplicate comes in that there are unused versions of these in the game files called MS03Printing Terminal, MS03printing press and MS03Printing conveyor belt. There are also two extra unused terminals that indicate to activate the presses not from the printing terminal above and say error no power directed to the printing press to activate. (Or wordings like this very similar but you get the idea) Seems the printing cut stage was quite a little puzzle to set up and not just a press and print and lets get out that it's late. This nice discovery makes things easier for me as I can use the quest objects that are unused for the actual quest restoration and use the default ones for the mini grognak print bonus normally in the game minus the print instead of making a complicated script for the used press and let's be honest i'm still not good to make such levels of complicated scripts. Also to note is that the unused object versions of the presses do not have scripts on them but the used ones do. This is quite an interesting find and makes it again easier for me to make simple scripts and swap objects via simple references calling between enable and disable. I'll let you know again how this trick might work.

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And free content / cut content you can reassign and make new scripts to accommodate them, but you need to write the dialogs first outside of the game and then import them into the game.

But let that go until all other easier things are tested and completed.


The Duplicate's you speak of? have a look in the Remastered mod, there are scripts written for a lot of things the game had cut content involved.

that's why I sent the materials to you.


It's to give you an idea as to how to solve these minor bugs. IF they were not touched? LOL guess why it's no longer online.


As you proceed down through the trees and events, adding content, be aware the code will be changing. There's tons of "error cannot resolve" contents that will get resolved during the processes.


Just to compare things side by side, you can use fo3edit to compare things. but do not alter your records with that tool. Use only the Geck.


in Point lookout, there are 4 icon / textures in the gazebo puzzle section that are floating. I have the repairs for that here. the Geck spits out a record and prints out errs on every movement within the rendering windows as you proceed.


All assets on load will print out all errors found and the ID's for the exact spots are listed in that. I make a shortcut to the desktop to that document so I can access the info readily.


About the Puzzles pieces. the GECK will complain the items are not in the same cells . ok when you repair the Floating content and reloaded the saved work, the errors get reduced to almost zero.


There are only 2 puzzle pieces that need to be moved ever so slightly in the rendering window, watch the Location ID's in the very bottom of the GECKs placement's until these objects get exactly into the correct cell and hard save at that point. save exit and reload. check the log. see if those still register the errors.

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