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ring of hircine


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so, i just want the ring to add the werewolf night eye when wearing it. i don't know anything about scripts and such. can i just add the same Game.GetPlayer().RemoveSpell(HircinesRingPower) on the next line/s with the night eye spell instead?


edit: i had to add the Spell Property WerewolfNightEye auto as well. is that right?


Scriptname DA05HircinesRingScript extends ObjectReference  

Spell Property HircinesRingPower auto
Spell Property WerewolfNightEye auto
Quest Property CompanionsCentralQuest auto

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
if (akActor == Game.GetPlayer() && (CompanionsCentralQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerHasBeastBlood)
	Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(HircinesRingPower, false)
	Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(WerewolfNightEye, false)

Event OnUnEquipped(Actor akActor)
if (akActor == Game.GetPlayer() && (CompanionsCentralQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerHasBeastBlood)

Edited by jack013
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  • 1 year later...

If possible, you should not modify original game files directly.
Instead make a new script.

Scriptname NewScriptName extends ObjectReference  
Spell Property HircinesRingPower auto
Spell Property WerewolfNightEye auto
Quest Property CompanionsCentralQuest auto
Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
if (akActor == Game.GetPlayer() && (CompanionsCentralQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerHasBeastBlood)
Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(HircinesRingPower, false)
Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(WerewolfNightEye, false)
Event OnUnEquipped(Actor akActor)
if (akActor == Game.GetPlayer() && (CompanionsCentralQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerHasBeastBlood)

Cut off half my message...
Once it compiles add it to the item/spell/whatever the original script is attached to, fill all the properties to be as close to the original script as possible (your changes should be the only things different), then remove the old script and hit OK. Save your plugin. Turn it on, load up a clean save and see if it works.


The other way has the potential to break the game if you made even the tiniest mistake.

Edited by Sulhir
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