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Recommended worldspace mods


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Hey ive been building a list of worldspace mods that look interesting to try and curious if theres people here thatve tried some of them or others not listed and wanted to share their views about which are better than others, or add to the list


the list is for any mod thats based outside the vanilla game boarders, or in a seperate worldspace, and been compiling it more for curiousity than full intention to try them all (for lack of much familiarity with Wrye Bash or a decent system)


have also tried to put together lists of essential tools and tweaks to deal with the added stress of heavily moded games as worldspace mods generally add alotof files, and a few travel related mods, like camping and sailing


Been compiling it at the mod page of my Dynamic Map heightmap retexture instead of in a wiki but if it gets extensive enough will transfer it to one later. The retexture mod itself will be updated in the next day or so, needs a couple improvements (the ingame screenshots actually a preview of the v2)

Edited by nisen
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