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Odd animations?


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hello nexus...I've been having problems with my fallout animations...mostly with shooting.For some reason MY Player and characters in game when looking down the sight or aiming,

they shoot directly into the ground or straight UP into the air,,,

Its not with all the guns just a few most of them work fine.It only happens when I'm standing up..


the only mods I can think would do this are Re-animated or ironsights...any suggestions?


yes i have the patchs to work with WMX,FWE and EVE

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rockygohard18 - Hello!


That sounds like an animation conflict, you've got two mods replacing some of the same animation files.


"the only mods I can think would do this are Re-animated or ironsights"


That'll do it. :)


"yes i have the patchs to work with WMX,FWE and EVE "


But do you have the patch for RH_IronSights & Re-Animated?


It's in the file section under Optional here:




The file you want is:


RH_IronSights - FO3RA Bridge


Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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