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Cannot buy adept/expert destruction spells. HELP??


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Hey guys. I've got an extremely irritating problem. I've looked it up all over the web and it seems no one has had this problem. I have leved up my destruction to level 80. My character level is 24. I've restarted several times as I'm new to Skyrim and not sure as to what I want to be. Finally I decided i loved being a mage so I started a new game strictly as a mage. I reached level 50 destruction and leveled up to Adept. So I go to the mages with the spell tomes and they dont have!?!? I know once you reach adept they sell you fireball, chain lightning etc but no one had. Eventually I got so fed up I restarted AGAIN. So this time I'm thinking what are the chances of this happening again...got to be one in a million... and now it'ss happened again!! So I thought MAYBE if I get to expert they would give me my expert spells and just skip fireball completely.


After a while I got to level 75 destruction and STILL no tomes!? No expert. Not even adept... Cannot explain how annoying this is. Almost to the point where I'm going to throw the game away. I'm just running around using fire bolt and runes. I'm thinking stuff it, just try to get to master destruction as I hear you don't buy the spells, it's a quest, but what if I get to her Feralda and she doesnt mention the quest. Or if I get to whatever I need to get to, I hear you need to cast fireball chain lightning etc which I don't have. So my Question is PLEASE does some one have a solution for me?? I've even deleted and reinstalled the game. Still nothing. In my previous play throughs, not that I got far, I could buy fireball, chain lightning, fire cloak ice cloak. Now nothing. I don't get how not one person has encountered this problem. Or at least post it on the net. So I would be EXTREMELY grateful if anyone could help me fix this problem! There's no way I could restart AGAIN... Thank you in advance


Playing with a ps3 btw.

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Forgot to mention that I've completeted the Winterhold College (I think lol). Got the Arch mage robes. One last Question is perhaps I could find the expert tomes somewhere? If I could find fire wall (if that's what it's called) or any adept or expert (preferably expert) tomes anywhere specific then at least I could go get them. Thanks again.
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Nemisis, since when did we reject PS3 players? We can't talk about PS3 modding but if someone has a gameplay problem, it's practically the same no matter what platform they use.


Anyway, hugecakeman, welcome to Nexus. While most members here are PC users, we do have PS3 and XBox360 users as well. You're most welcome to talk about the PS3 version of the game (as long as it's not about console modding of course).


Checking UESP, it seems that after reaching skill level 65, you must wait for the mage's merchandise to be reset (typically two days in-game). I'm not sure if the rules for loot apply as well, but if it does, you'll have to be level 35 as well. So try going somewhere else and waiting a few days before returning to the College of Winterhold. Perhaps another player with more experience with magic will come along and confirm whether or not you have to be level 35 as well.

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Well, fantastic news!! I changed from the mage stone to the lovers stone. Seems that must of done it! I went to Dragonsreach to see the mage to see if that helped and he had fireball! No expert tomes, but I was ecstatic!! Then I thought I'd try Feralda. Sure enough she had the expert tomes!! So excited! Lol as I left her place, a dragon landed. But damn! Incinirate destroyed it!! Anyway Lanceor, thank you very much for trying to help. Really appreciate it. And yeah, I was being polite but nemisis was being a d!ck. Thanks again. Let me go destroy more dragons!!
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