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Crash When Update to


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As the title says, my game always crash when change maps, not by fast travel, but ex : go to outside inn, enter markarth

here's my plugin list :








Improved Eyes Skyrim.esp

and hair mods such as apachii, mysims


can anyone helps? many thanks in advance :)


EDIT : I also have tried things like uninstalling dawnguard but no effect

Edited by cracker2eat
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Hearthfires.esm comes after Dawnguard.esm. I have been advised that UnofficialSkyrim Patch, Unofficial Dawnguard patch, and the Unofficial Hearthfire Patch are recommended also. I'm not saying do it, it's just recommended. Just some FYI I learned, is all.
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Hearthfires.esm comes after Dawnguard.esm. I have been advised that UnofficialSkyrim Patch, Unofficial Dawnguard patch, and the Unofficial Hearthfire Patch are recommended also. I'm not saying do it, it's just recommended. Just some FYI I learned, is all.


thx for the reply, I've been desperate looking for the answer so... I'll give it a try, thanks again :)

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Hearthfires.esm comes after Dawnguard.esm. I have been advised that UnofficialSkyrim Patch, Unofficial Dawnguard patch, and the Unofficial Hearthfire Patch are recommended also. I'm not saying do it, it's just recommended. Just some FYI I learned, is all.


thx for the reply, I've been desperate looking for the answer so... I'll give it a try, thanks again :)


You may also want to run BOSS for Skyrim to find out if there's any mods in your load order that needs cleaning also. If you run BOSS and there's tags under a few mods that says dirty edits in them, it's recommended to clean them. To clean them, use TES5edit. That's what I'm trying to do anyways.

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if you are using SKSE, update it to the latest version too


I just did tonight, so we'll see how it works. It's supposed to work with 1.8 version now from what I understand.

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honestly the game is pretty finicky about updates and getting Dlc.


Even if your load order is Rock solid you can wind up haveing to do the following.


-Uninstall all scripted mods

-empty out your scripts folder

-reinstall the scripted mods you cant play without


-Start a new game.


I havent had much luck with updateing it ussually means a fresh install for me.

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You might try having Steam verify your cache.



I finally got it working and here's what I had to do: I had to deactivate all the mods completely. Then bring up the NMM. In the NMM before it would do it, it stated it needed to update the DLCs, and quite a few mods with newer mods. I just clicked yes. Now, I don't crash anymore.


But, I still can't walk into the Hearthfire houses still which has been my main problem once I get it up and running again. Yes, I tried disabling the workbenches, no can do. When I do try to go on Lakeview manor though it looks like I'll make it, then it ctds. When I come back up and it shows the last autosave, it shows me inside the house. Yet, I try loading it, it crashes again. Any help with that one?

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