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Can't Progress in Civil War


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Hey guys, I think some components of my Skyrim may have been corrupted. I've been trying to progress in the Civil War questline for the Stormcloaks on several characters now, to no avail. Things start to fall apart during the quest "Battle for Whiterun".


First character: Finished Battle for Whiterun, Liberation of Skyrim starts, but I have no questmarker. When I go to talk to Ulfric, he has generic dialogue, even though the journal tells me to inform him of the victory. I try the setstage command, but when I try setstage cwobj 10, it says: Stage 10 not found. I followed all the stages corresponding to those stated on UESP, but it keeps saying Stage <any number> not found.


Second character (vanilla, no mods activated): After lowering the drawbridge for the Stormcloaks to enter, there aren't any more objectives. When I head into the city after seeing other soldiers going in, I don't see anyone except guards, merchants, etc. No barricades. If I attack anyone, I get a bounty and still get arrested. I try reloading the save, then typing in setstage cwsiegeobj 1050 because that's the stage that tells you to go into Whiterun (according to UESP) but it says Stage 1050 not found.


I've tried clean saves, I've tried starting new characters. I haven't tried uninstalling, because I have 2 dlcs and just over 90 mods. I would appreciate any help.

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  • 4 months later...

This seems to be a problem for me too. Even on a fresh clean install, without mods. I don't know what causes it, and it's pretty ridiculous.

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