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Game crashes on me


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I have just installed Oblivion and also inserted two mods, OOO and MMM, as well as a bug patch. Every time I launch the game, a few minutes into it, the game crashes on me and the computer tells me that the game has stopped working. It seems that this is the case with any kind of plugin and not just mods. Is there any way I can fix this?
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I have fiddled with the game and it's plugin's and I have just found out that it is Martigen's Monster Mod that is causing this. The game works fine without it but every time I run it, the game crashes a few minutes in. If anyone knows how to fix this, can you give me instructions on how to fix it? Thanks.

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Have you even read the instructions that come with BOSS? I can't tell you how to 'fix' MMM, as I don't use it.
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Have you used BOSS to sort your load order, and a Bashed Patch?

It is MMM that is causing this. I not sure how to use BOSS or a batched patch. Can you give me instrucntions on how to fix MMM with this or something else?


To make a Bashed Patch you need Wyre Bash. http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/22368


BOSS isn't difficult. You can call it from Wyre Bash and it will sort your load order for you.


Boss download: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/20516


Download the files for both manually and then install.


Here's a quick and dirty video about how to sort with BOSS and create a Bashed Patch.

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