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Time Contingent Crashes


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Just installed Game of the Year edition of FallOut 3.


After about 2 mins of game play independent of what I am doing the game will hang where I can still hear audio but everything is frozen. I experience no lag in this game because I have a 690 and an i7. Even with default no mods installed this problem occurs.


Anybody have any ideas?





Did some research and a lot of people are saying that Fallout 3 does not play well with quad cores or windows 7. I have both of these things.


short of running it in compatibility mode, anybody have any advice?







Update: For Anybody that is having the same problem I was, setting the game to run in compatibility for vista seems to have worked.

Edited by Darviela
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Darviela - Hello!


"independent of what I am doing the game will hang where I can still hear audio but everything is frozen."


Sounds like the Fallout 3 multi core bug.


Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.


"because I have a 690 and an i7"


i7's are at least quad core so you will be affected by this.


There is a fix, you need to edit your Fallout 3 .ini file.


The one you want to change is:


For XP:


My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\


For Vista & Win7:


Documents\My Games\Fallout3


The file you want will be called:




Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:








& insert this line under it:




Save & close your ini.


That completely fixes the freezing bug.


Hope this helps!



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