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umm....yea...i use to play morrowind all the time for xbox..and i got addicted. I recently got it for PC, and my computer meets more then the minimum requirments. Well, when i install my GotY cd's and install all the patches, etc. and load up the game, it gets past the first 2 loading sequences then freezes before it even shows the main menu, if there even is one. How do i fix this? I downloaded all my drivers, removed all the programs i dont need to give room (i have an 80 gig HD, and i upped the free space from 40 gigs to 70) and i have directX 9.0b. Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on'? :help:
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That's very odd... all I can suggest is reinstalling it and seeing if that fixes the problem. Also you shouldn't need to download any patches as GoTY already has them all pre-installed.
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