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Bodyslide HELP


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Hi, I have installed mod Killer Keos Skimpy and CBBE Bodyslider and i have a trouble.

So i changed the breast size in BodySlider to maximum. Ok so when I drop armor breast size is okay but armor does not form into body. I dont know what is going wrong, this mod is compatible with CBBE. Can anyone explain me what's the matter?

Edited by Kowal8899
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Keo's mod isn't BodySlide compatible. It only has the shape of CBBE Curvy. That's what's 'wrong'.

Only outfits made for BodySlide will work with it, and even then you have to use BodySlide to edit the meshes to your preferred shape.

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Open BodySlide, find the new outfits (assuming you installed the CalienteTools/BodySlide folder from that mod), generate them with your preset.


The meshes wont automagically fit to your body shape. You actually have to do some work to get the outfit meshes to fit properly.

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