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From 11.11.11 to this day Skyrim should've been finished 100%.


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But No, Bughesda was incapable and that's their fault. Only 2 DLCs have gotten out so far and the third can't until PS3 version is ''sorted out''. Hearthfire was such a buggy piece of $H!T it made moving a family a nightmare, to this day i can't move families to Hjerim cuz when i


fast travel there spouse, kids & pets walks out of front door like they've been scared by Frigga Shatter-Shield's ghost. So basically Hjerim is uselles like display cases in newly created houses and also it ain't a bug for a spouse for not having ''How are the kids'' option, simply


Bughesda was lazy and wanted to save money so they didn't arranged that all voice actors record their lines, for example voice for Farkas, Argis & co doesn't have that option at all, voice for Vilkas, Wilhelm & co have partially (option doesn't appear in Heartfires homes) it's a total




& what about Thalmor/Crowning the High King/Queen of Skyrim? When am i going to see it?!?!?


Release it damn already the game needs a proper ending for God's sake it's been a year and 2-3 months but instead they are releasing unimportant dlc like stupid Dragonborn!!!


Don't get me wrong i love this game but cuz it is a disastrous buggy it's 2/10 and it will be 1/10 if Thalmor/Crowning the High King/Queen of Skyrim never gets out.


By now, they should've started woring on TES VI: Hamerfall.


Oh well....im still having a lil bit of hope that everything will be as i want.

Edited by Neal90
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Blame Microsoft for Dragonborn's delayed release. It's not Bethesda's fault they have to cater to consoles that gaming PCs outstrip enormously. Hearthfire is entirely optional as it brings almost no content, and that which it does there are mods for. Loose plot elements are probably being saved for future DLC - which won't have the 1-month delay. I will agree that some areas were lazy, e.g. you should have been able to put your foot down with the Blades about Paarthurnax, but Skyrim is an enormous game.


P.S. It's Hammerfell, not Hammerfall.

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While I agree they should be contacting the community more at the moment I don't think they deserve a fraction of the verbal abuse people are throwing at them. Even a bad programmer with little experience can appreciate the time and effort it takes to make even the smallest games. Considering the size and complexity of Skyrim they deserve some patience.


And there's no confirmation the next game will be Hammerfell. In fact, there's barely any evidence.

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i don't know if you know, but there's an necromancer that make a whole isle vanish by himself, the talmor, the daedra and the mages (don't remember their name)... it sure would make sense that the next Elder Scroll is on hammerfell. Edited by lquebecois
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