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does anyone mind dragonborn is delayed because of ps3?


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I am a little disappointed that it hasn't been released for PC yet.


There is something which I don't quite understand though - Whether these are community assumptions, or Bethesda claims.


- PS3 owners have had issues with Skyrim through excessive playing - Makes it highly likely that Dragonborn, Dawnguard and Hearthfire is an issue aswell. I can't confirm this for myself, I am not a PS3 owner.


- Many of the Elder Scrolls fans appear to be saying "Bethesda are just ironing out bugs and refining the final product" - I don't agree with this at all; otherwise Xbox 360 would have got some half-arsed product. Despite reports of owners claiming it has much less bugs in than Dawnguard. As arrogant as Microsoft are.. They don't tolerate garbage products so i find it extremely unlikely that Bethesda are ironing out bugs for PC and PS3 - Even from what I hear from a number of friends on Xbox 360 telling me how amazing Dragonborn is.. Are telling me the product is much much cleaner. I'm sure that it is brilliant.


- I read something awhile ago on a number of gaming journalism sites such as The Escapist Magazine, Kotaku and IGN were there are claims from Bethesda that they are having issues with the PC and PS3 versions, this is why they weren't released.


I for one, believe this is utter trash for a simple reason: Fair enough that ironing out bugs and issues in the Creation Kit is a pain in the rear. But wouldn't it make more sense to have TESTED this on the PC version before moving it to Console? and just have the product completed but on hold as per the MS + Beth agreement? But to hold it back because of one console? That's ridiculous. There is no reason why it can't be released. Edit: I know that console ports to PC are a massive problem. But this isn't as if Skyrim is a console port to PC either. I hear it is much easier to downgrade quality than it is to upgrade quality..


I don't think the community is looking at this from enough directions.




I'm not one of these "Oh PC is better, console is 7 years of outdated hardware" blah blah blah. I do all my gaming on the PC simply out of preference. I have always loved PC gaming - Playing whatever I like (Apart from Console Exclusives) but I can live without it.. There isn't a game which is solely worth getting a console for.


There was a post somewhere in here stating that "Bethesda wanted everybody to get it at the same time" - The direct contradiction of this was Xbox 360 getting it a month before everybody else. But I'm just knit picking here.. The correct statement should have been "Bethesda wants everybody who doesn't use an Xbox 360 to get it at the same time"

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