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Creating a new NPC with standalone animations


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I cant tell you exactly how but I think I can help.... You can add new anims already in CK, make a new package in CK, then go to Anims tab and add all anims + the ones you want them to use. If you want them to use new ones then I think you must do it through the tab in CK labled "Gameplay" then go to animations, then go to actors\Character\idles, and do some CK kung fu . You may have to add the new anims to the anims folder.. I'm no expert but maybe you can figure it out with the info I told you, good luck. I will be attempting this myself when I am done with my other project.

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I cant tell you exactly how but I think I can help.... You can add new anims already in CK, make a new package in CK, then go to Anims tab and add all anims + the ones you want them to use. If you want them to use new ones then I think you must do it through the tab in CK labled "Gameplay" then go to animations, then go to actors\Character\idles, and do some CK kung fu . You may have to add the new anims to the anims folder.. I'm no expert but maybe you can figure it out with the info I told you, good luck. I will be attempting this myself when I am done with my other project.


just no. Overall, non replacing animations is still a very tricky thing to achieve. there's no possible kung-fuing in the CK to make it happen, at least as my knowledge goes. You can't add .hkx animation references in the CK. The only way to add (note the emphasys on ADD, not REPLACE) new animations so far is through FNIS.


You have http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14871 which allows for exclusive animations for a particular race (requires FNIS).

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We shall see, how do you think he did it? how did beth do it? There is always a way my friend.


Just download the mod, and read the README. Also that mod requires FNIS, so maybe you should take a peek on how FNIS works (which does not involve any CKing). Bethesda holds the HKP and HKB source files. This is like saying "how did Nasa put a man in the Moon" when someone is asking how can he go to the Moon aswell... We just don't have the tools nor the resources, that Nasa or Bethesda have.


Ofc we could try and built our own resources, with the legacy HBT, but that would mean, doing it from scratch... And doing a full behavior project like the one used by the Default Character, is not a one man job, and it would take huge amounts of time, not to mention that you still wouldnt be able to know how Bethesda behavior is really working


And I didnt said there's no way, what I said is... it's tricky, and there's no CK involved to ADD new animations. Animations per se (hkx files) are not added through a form or anything of the sort, they are just assets that are hooked up in behavior files (hkx aswell). Even some rigs and ragdolls, are somehow built in the behavior files.

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