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Pressing "l" while renaming item in arcane enchanter locks game


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Hi, I'm currently rebuilding my game after a snafu with Steam resulted in me having to log in and getting automatically updated.


The game is working (but I haven't completed reinstalling all my mods) , but I've encountered a weird issue with the arcane enchanter...


Character is level 15 in case that has any relevance (PS> I am already familiar with the enchanter and never ran into this before when renaming an item about to be enchanted)


Ok, so...

  1. I open the arcane enchanter
  2. I choose my weapon to enchant
  3. I select my enchantment
  4. I then pick the soul gem to infuse it

At this point I can either

  1. complete the enchantment
  2. rename the item then complete the enchantment


If I choose option 1, all goes according to "the plan" and I now have an enchanted weapon


If I choose option 2, and I then click the letter "L" as part of the renaming, (for instance, to add the words "of souls" to the original item (sword) name

  1. my character is stripped completely
  2. I'm kicked out of the arcane enchanter menu
  3. all UI is shut down (even console is locked out)
  4. the player is frozen (not T-boned, just frozen in place in front of the enchanter)

I then have to ctrl-alt-delete and kill the game using Task Manager. (edit: also , unlike normal lockups, in task manager, the game shows as in a "running state', ie the game itself hasn't locked up).


So, I've checked and checked again and the issue seems to be clicking the letter L while renaming an item prior to completing the enchantment. (case independent btw)


Anyone happen to have encountered this? If so, what did you have to do to solve it?


Anyone recognize the L key as being a "native" hotkey for any mod? I believe quicklight *did, but I changed the hotkey to more convenient one when I installed it, and I am positive "L" no longer toggles the quicklight (it's now assigned to the num pad "+" key fwiw)



(edited for typos and content)


load order and plugin list attached

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  • 6 months later...

Just a guess: Could "L" be used as a hotkey in one of your mods? So the moment you press "L", another mod wanst to start a different action and thereby breaks the enchanting process?


You know best what keys you assigned and what mods you use that rely on hotkeys. I'd check that.

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That sorted it.

Did the following:

Went in to the MCM menu for the BHUNP 3BBB addon, chose to use the spell option instead of bound keys and then removed all the specified bindings by selecting them individually and pressing delete.

Then went into the Customizable Camera MCM and although no key bindings had been set up I pressed the Unbind Hotkeys option anyway.

Then I tried to use the Arcane Enchanter and everything worked.

Not sure which of my changes succeeded but suspect Customizable Camera was the problem as both me and anjenthedog had it installed.

Thanks for your help Algabar

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Mod authors really need to start including a safety check so that their hotkeys only function when they are intended. I learned that the hard way and developed the following function:



Bool Function SafeProcess()
  If (!Utility.IsInMenuMode()) \
  && (!UI.IsMenuOpen("Dialogue Menu")) \
  && (!UI.IsMenuOpen("Console")) \
  && (!UI.IsMenuOpen("Crafting Menu")) \
  && (!UI.IsMenuOpen("MessageBoxMenu")) \
  && (!UI.IsMenuOpen("ContainerMenu")) \
  && (!UI.IsTextInputEnabled())
    ;IsInMenuMode to block when game is paused with menus open
    ;Dialogue Menu check to block when dialog is open
    ;Console check to block when console is open - console does not trigger IsInMenuMode and thus needs its own check
    ;Crafting Menu check to block when crafting menus are open - game is not paused so IsInMenuMode does not work
    ;MessageBoxMenu check to block when message boxes are open - while they pause the game, they do not trigger IsInMenuMode
    ;ContainerMenu check to block when containers are accessed - while they pause the game, they do not trigger IsInMenuMode
    ;IsTextInputEnabled check to block when editable text fields are open
    Return True
    Return False

The function is called just inside the event(s) check for the key, for example:


Event OnKeyDown(Int KeyCode)
  If  KeyCode == abim_IMS_ModActKeyGV.GetValue() && SafeProcess() == true
    ;other stuff

Any one who needs to use this can do so. And it can be adapted as necessary. i.e. if the key needs to be used in a particular menu or blocked at other points

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