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[LE] How does the Tamriel Worldspace level?

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How does the main outdoors level?

I get attacked by adequately leveled Sabre Cats around areas I've visited early in the game, like Whiterun, as it should be, but sometimes it's lvl 2 Wolves in other areas.


I thought it was just leveled markers scattered around the world that spawned the animals, but wouldn't they just stop it with the wolves after some time?

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The lvl of npcs are handled by 2 things:

A) The 'Encounter Zones".

B) By the 'Min - Max' lvl assign in their properties (on the actor's property menu).

C) According to what the player's lvl is the game will calculate (using the previous A / B) the actor's lvl before spawning it.

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The lvl of npcs are handled by 2 things:
A) The 'Encounter Zones".
B) By the 'Min - Max' lvl assign in their properties (on the actor's property menu).
C) According to what the player's lvl is the game will calculate (using the previous A / B) the actor's lvl before spawning it.


Thank you! I've been away from the game so long that I've completely missed your post.

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