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I'm looking for a good THS mod.


I messed around with Imp's a bit but I can't figure out the gage. Hunger -8%(70%) Thirst 76%(100%) Sleep 2% I have no idea what the 2 numbers next to Hunger and Thirst are. I'm also concerned that the developer doesn't seem to be around anymore.


I'm using Frostfall and Wet & Cold right now to simulate weather conditions, would really like to get a handle on the THS front.

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I use Realistic Needs and Diseases. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26228


Its easy to use and very well done. If you use SkyUI you can customize it through the MCM, if not you can use a built-in menu. It also has patches for most mods, like WATER, SkyMoMod, and Realistic Wildlife Loot (a must have if you want to hunt for your food). RND also changes the way diseases work, making them get stronger the longer you go without getting cured. Kind of annoying at times, but I like the pseudo-realism it adds to diseases.


In my opinion, RND is the best hunger/thirst mod out there, unless you want to get into calories, vitamins, etc.

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I use Realistic Needs and Diseases. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26228


I'll check it out.


Can you turn off food spoiling? I like the waterskin option.. seems more appropriate then bottles of water.


In my opinion, RND is the best hunger/thirst mod out there, unless you want to get into calories, vitamins, etc.


Yes, 3 simple bars like health and mana depleting over time would be preferable.




Keep those suggestions coming. :)

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Personally, I prefer TRO basic needs.


It uses a tick system for hunger, thirst and sleep . It also has a nifty drinking system where you can sneak/crouch in a river and drink straight from it or refill your empty bottle. Empty bottles are found or are the bi-product of drinking alcohols.

Also, try Frostfall by Chesko. Probably one of the best realism mods out there.


You do need SKYUI 3.0 for Frostfall 2.0 because of the MCM system.

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He already said he used frostfall...


Anyway, I used TRO before RND. It's more or less the same exact mod, just feels more clunky and difficult to use. For example, you need to sneak in water to drink/refill (like the above mentioned) and in RND you just have to stand there. Using en amply bottle refills water and using a power drinks from the stream.


In RND, ive never had food spoil on me. You can find spoiled food around, yes, but I've never actually had fresh food spoil. Maybe im just lucky. And while there is no HUD for the hunger/thirst, your character will ale appropriate sounds the hungrier/thirstier he gets. There's also a power you can use to check you hunger/thirst, as well as an option to have it periodically show up in the notifications.


But TRO is good too. Just depends on preference.

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Food does not spoil in RND.


But the most important aspects of a food/drink/sleep mod is not just it's functionalities, but support. I don't know about TRO, but RND has compatibility patches for a number of mods like 'Realistic Wild Life Loot', 'Drinking Fountains', 'Babette's Feast', 'WATER', and so on. It would be quite frustrating to find a really good f/d/s mod and find that it doesn't work well with other mods you are using. RND also removes healing from food, which I like (because I've never known anyone to heal from open wounds just by eating). Also, the rate of hunger/thirst/exhaustion is adjustable, and it now has MCM support.

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@ Ripple that sounds Awesome I'll have to give that a go I like MCM, and though I liked TRO, it's kind of dated now.

I did have trouble with TRO when I needed to get world stuff to respawn often when turned off so I could make a few weeks go by to respawn the world spaces, my character would die as soon as I turned it back on. Which got annoying.

Seems to me if RND is a part of MCM that's a big deal.

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