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Bethesda Weapons vs Mod Weapons


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I'm trying to make AttT compatible with Immersive weapons. I'm about half way through, but I'm finding myself hitting an annoying question. How do I know which weapons are Bethesda weapons, and which are weapons added by modders?

The process I have to use requires me to keep Skyrim.esm, Dawnguard.esm, Spike.esm, AttT.esm and Immersive Weapons.esp open, with immersive weapons.esp as the active mod. This view unfortunatly shows ALL the weapons, both modder added ones in Immersive weapons, and basic skyrim weapons. I'm having trouble telling the difference. I have a mod that add's vanilla weapons already, and I don't feel like modding 100+ extra files.


I'm sure there is an easy way to tell the difference. Could someone please enlighten me?



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In the CK, navigate to Files - Data to bring up the Data window. Highlight IW with your mouse and click the Details button. This will bring up all the records modified or added by IW. Scroll down to the WEAP section. The records aren't in any particular order, but they are all there.
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In CK when you load a mod you can click the DETAIL button to show all new/edited forms (type WEAP would be of interest for you) when you click on TYPE it sorts all forms - you could even start a second instance of CK (...Skyrim\SkyrimEditor.ini bAllowMultipleEditors=1) to use the DETAIL button while working on the mod.


Or i guess you can display the edited files using TES5EDIT



EDIT: Jeah, just tried it...works fine as well, download the tool and you can open all mods and browse the edits.

Edited by ghosu
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You can make your changes to weapons in Tes5edit believe me it's the easier way to create mods.

I prefer the Tes Edit and have made LvLed Lists for mods and uploaded them myself, it's easier becuase you can see relevant information quickly in an organized fashion aka a data spreadsheat.



BtW if you really are making an AttT compatibility patch for Immersive Weapons and you complete it, you might want to consider PM'ing Hothtrooper and see about uploading your file.

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Well so far I have probably over half the weapons converted, i might take a break and test it out.

Unfortunately I need to assign scripts to weapons. Thats the main issue. From what I'm looking at in TES5edit, I'll have to use CK, as TES5edit doesn't seem to do scripts. What would be perfect would be a way to import these lists into a word document so I can just cross off what I've done.


I already have my next project planned out after this, and thats to make the "duel blades and shield on back" mod work with a few shield mods, as AttT's shield on back can cause CTD's sadly. Oh and I think I have a theory on how to fix the CTD's caused by assigning scripts to steel weapons with AttT. I need to test that out also.


Also I'm following a tutorial video on AttT's page. So I don't know how to convert that to TES5edit.


I'll think about talking to hoth if I manage to get it done though. Just a personal project at the moment.

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