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Nintendo DS

jojo man

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I've been kicking around the idea of buying myself a DS once the holidays are over. I've read some consumer reports, and reviews and other stuff about the DS, but I wanted some real opinions from people I know I can trust. Is it worth having? I've seen some of the titles for it and it seems to have a pretty solid game library, Is it all it's cracked up to be?
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I bought a D.S chunky last year, played it non-stop for ages then left it alone. These days I don't touch it unless I'm on a long bus ride somewhere.


Then again, I haven't bought "Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass" yet thats supposed to be real good.





Only buy it if you go on lots of long bus rides.


Or really like the following things:



Brain Training



Touch screen related minigames.

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I agree with Xanalderon on that. I got a standard DS when they first came out and it broke about 6 months ago, and I havnt bothered getting a replacement. It was good, but I don't miss it to be honest. For £100 that you have to pay for one; personally you might as well get a nice sony mp3 player or something, unless like Xanalderon said, you like those games.
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I bought a D.S chunky last year, played it non-stop for ages then left it alone. These days I don't touch it unless I'm on a long bus ride somewhere.


Then again, I haven't bought "Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass" yet thats supposed to be real good.





Only buy it if you go on lots of long bus rides.


Or really like the following things:



Brain Training



Touch screen related minigames.

Well, I like the Zelda games, but that's the only one from that list that I'm very enthused about. But what about some of the other titles? I hear that one of my all time favorites, Kirby, has a pretty solid game on the DS. And I know that there's a DS version of the game "Mario 64" (which despite it's flaws, I enjoyed alot).

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I had mario 64 DS and it is a very good game. As I said though, I didnt miss my DS once it was broken; but hey thats my own opinion

Did it get changed much when it was ported to the DS? It seems like they'de have to do a fair bit of overhauling to get the game to work well on a gamepad rather than a joystick.

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I'd suggest Metroid Prime: Hunters. No it's not because I'm a metroid freak it's actually a decent game... Though it hurts your fingers after you play 5 hours straight though... But the multiplayer wifi is awesome! Story mode sucks though... It's basically there to just show you the works and some hidden lore.


That and Zelda I guess were the only games I pretty much liked... I just realized... I'm 24 and I own a DS, I'm kinda sad! ;D

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Lol, its not really that sad. Though like the wii, the DS is more of a gimmick and interesting idea than a console in my opinion. Sorry, I just have a bit of a vendetta against the wii. Lol
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Never played Kirby or Metroid on the D.S, so I can't talk about them but I did get Mario 64.


Yes, its is very fun the controls are fine, good level design and its a solid platformer.


Super Mario 64 is a must-have D.S game.

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