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File does not have an app associated with for performing this action


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Hi, i know people have seen similar issues a lot and ive looked through those forums, but none of them have been what has been my problem. I did use the old Nexus Mod Manager before but i want to move over to Vortex. When i go to install vortex, it seems to go through the entire installation process but comes up with a error message at the end saying "This file does not have an app associated with it for performing this action. Please install an app or, if one is installed create an association in the Default Apps Settings Page." Ive also attached a screenshot of the message. I have no idea what this means and havent been able to find a forum that tells me how to fix this.





UPDATE: When i go into the control panel and look at the installed programs vortex does show up as installed so i have no idea exactly what the issue is.

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You have to read what the error message is telling you.

This is not an error message by Vortex at all, it's from your windows operating system about it being unable to start Vortex (using the .lnk shortcut) in the first place.


If you were to manually run "c:\program files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\Vortex.exe" it would probably work, but that's not a fix.


The error message is telling you that there is no application set up - in your windows - to handle .lnk files. Which is madness since .lnk shortcuts are a basic windows feature, but apparently it's not a completely unheard-of problem.

There are tutorials on the internet to fix this but since this has nothing to do with Vortex, you shouldn't be searching in Vortex-specific forums.

This thread my help you: https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/8703-restore-default-file-type-associations-windows-10-a.html

Although I would advice going with "Option 2" instead of resetting all associations.

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This same thing happened to me but not with .lnk files. It happened with my email program. In that tenforum link you provided, it explains that this is a rare bug in Windows 10, sort of like finding a dung bettle. I had to reset all my associations in order to fix the issue. it was an easy-peasy fix.
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