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A few thoughts on ways to improve immersion if possible


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So yeah, I'm one of those people that has ideas, but often lacks the ability to implement them. I figure at the least, if I share them...Who knows? Maybe someone will do something with the ideas. I'll try to break them down as best I can. While most are immersion based, there's a few balance ideas I've had as well.


-Balance Changes-


-How about redoing how the Radio Towers work? The game dialogue initially suggests you're doing this to make weapons available to buy. So why not make it like this? Rather than having all guns unlocked at the start to buy, or making it so you get them for free based on towers...How about having a limited inventory of buyable weapons that expands as you activate more radio towers, but they still have to be bought as you unlock them? It would give more incentive to explore and activate the towers.


-Costs. Everyone does it, my two cents on it are as follows: Weapons are too cheap, maps are too expensive. The maps should be cheaper, the guns should cost more. Why on earth should I buy a map when I can make the money without it? The entire system is backwards and really needs to be changed.


-Immersion ideas-


-Darker, longer nights. Nights are not very impressive in Far Cry 3. They're short, and they're still deceptively well lit. If there's a good example of a game series that benefited from darker nights being modded in, it was STALKER, where the nights being darker made it scarier, more atmosphere, and a more tactical choice. Less visibility applied to both you and your enemies, so a night raid could actually be to your advantage if you knew how to operate in the dark.


Toggleable Flashlight-If darker nights were done, this would be all but mandatory. You'd need a flashlight to see in the dark, and at the same time, it would be great if there was a way to turn it on/off for detection purposes. IE, keep it off when sticking to the shadows, so you can sneak effectively. Of course, this would be even better if enemies could also use their lights.


Food, Sleep, Drink-This would be tougher, I admit, but it's one thing that really bugged me about Far Cry 3. You hunt for pelts. You never hunt for food. You never really hunt to survive, just to get by and improve your gear. An incentive to hunt for food would be an amazing game changer. Having to sleep and keep hydrated would only make things even more interesting. Admittedly, this would probably be a lot harder to implement.

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  • 2 weeks later...
If I was trying to sneak into a c amp and could hardly see anything and I heard those damn dragons hissing near me that would be freaking great. I am all for darker nights and yeah the flashlight would have to be on a toggle at that point. Your idea about the towers is great too as I was expecting to get more gear available as I turned them on or off or whatever it is you're doing.
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I'm all for human needs - i believe they are relatively easy to implement (without the animations). I was really amazed far cry 3 didn't have this feature and i even made a separate topic for it as i feel it deserves it.

The other immersion changes would also be good to implement.

Agree about the costs - i also believe that the game should really drain your money in general and that to fully become "accomplished" both in xp and money, you would need to finish all the side quests, otherwise there is no real meaning to them.

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