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Youtube Skyrim


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Hi guy!


i not sure if this is the correct place to post this but i need bit of help. i make youtube videos of skyrim. i have been doing this for few months and i have 'adsense' enabled (in my account, meaning im a partner in a sort) in all of my skyrim videos, but recently when i uploaded a video and i tried monetizing it but it failed. i then uploaded an another video next week and again it also failed in monetizing it. they say information wasnt enough to monetize it please provide more information. (keep in mind i have just used skyrim footage only. no songs or any music). so they ask "commercial use rights". i don't know where i can find this. does anyone know where? and is skyrim usable commercially? meaning videos wise.



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Bethesda allow their player to do money with their content? I don't think so....


They allow it right here. Ever notice the Donate button next to mods? They cleared it with Bethesda before introducing that.



their is a fine line in Donate, or commercial purpose.

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To my knowledge, the Monetization options (which should be scrapped imo) can only be used with content that you have created yourself and seeing as Skyrim isn't yours you cannot profit from it.
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