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Immersion: Guild Master? CHOICES.


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So, In my travels I've noticed something many players gripe about but there's no real mod for; realism in the way you join and interact with guilds. Each guild has it's own history, character, morals and basically you stomp all over that as you join each guild- a complete mage can not only join the companions but rise through the ranks and become their leader...that's another thing, in every one of the quest-lines you end up as the guilds leader- whether you want to or not.



The request I present here is one that will make it a whole heck of a lot easier for roleplayers and immersion seekers to have a good time in the world of skyrim. Unfortunately it requires injecting things into main quests....I am an inexperienced modder and so would be very afraid that I would break something. So I've outlined (to the best of my ability) how this mod, if it will ever be picked up and created, (i sure hope) would work.





CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Companions Guild


Joining Eligibility Check:

- Active Bounty = 0

- Two-Handed or One-Handed or Block or Archery > Any of the Magic Schools

- Must not be in Thieves Guild


+ If all requirements met start Take Up Arms (C00) 20



Progression though Questline Check:

- Active Bounty = 0

- Two-Handed or One-Handed or Block or Archery > Any of the Magic Schools


+ All requirements must be met at each advancement in questline



The Circle Eligibility Check:

- Active Bounty = 0

- Two-Handed or One-Handed or Block or Archery > Any of the Magic Schools

- Must not be in Thieves Guild

- Must Not be Guild Leader of Mage College or Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood

- Must have one thaneship


+ If all requirements met start The Silver Hand (C03)



The Circle Choices:

- Drink Blood and become a werewolf

- Decline the blood (vanilla)

- Decline the blood, ask them to explain themselves and then offer to help with their problems. (would need to make sure that the NPC's don't refer to you as a werewolf in ambient dialogue and make sure you can't ask about it since you're not one)



Progression though Questline Check:

- Active Bounty = 0

- Two-Handed or One-Handed or Block or Archery > Any of the Magic Schools


+ All requirements must be met at each advancement in questline



Harbinger Eligibility Check:

- Active Bounty = 0

- Two-Handed or One-Handed or Block or Archery > Any of the Magic Schools

- Must be Thane of 2 or more holds

- Must not be in Thieves Guild

- Must Not be Guild Leader of Mage College or Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood

- Must Complete Main Quest (Awesome badass warrior who stopped the end of the world = honorable)


+ If all requirements met start Blood's Honor (C04)



Guild Leader Choices:

- Accept the position


Each new Harbinger is chosen by the last. No real way to get around that unless some fancypants modder can find a way. And end the Blood's Honor quest with an option to decline becoming Harbinger and make sure that guards and other NPC's don't address you as such.








Mages College:


Joining Eligibility Check:

- Active Bounty = 0

- Any of the Magic Schools > All of the Warrior skills (listed above)


+ If all requirements met start First Lessons (MG01)


I am aware that accessing the college starts the mage quest, and you sometimes want access to the mage college for other quests, so there would have to be alternate dialogue trees with Faralda to allow temporary access to the college for such quests.



Progression though Questline Check:

- Active Bounty = 0

- Any of the Magic Schools > All of the Warrior skills (listed above)


+ All requirements must be met at each advancement in questline



Arch Mage Eligibility Check:

- Active Bounty = 0

- Any of the Magic Schools > All of the Warrior skills (listed above)

- 3 out of 5 magic schools >= 70

- Must Not be Guild Leader of Companions (they don't like magic.)


+ If all requirements met start ???



Guild Leader Choices:

- Accept

- Decline, offer it up to another college mage.



I'll admit I've never finished the Mage questline, so if I've missed anything important tell me.





Thieves GUild:


Joining Eligibility Check:

- Items Stolen >= 200

- Pockets Picked >= 30

- Sneak skill level >= 25

- Must Not be Guild Leader of Companions


+ If all requirements met start A Chance Arrangement (TG00)



Progression though Questline Check:

- None



Nightengale Eligibility Check:

- Sneak skill level >= 50

- Must Not be Guild Leader of Companions


+ If all requirements met start Trinity Restored (TG08A)



Nightengale Choices:

- Accept Nocturnals pact

- Decline (skip over fancypants Nightengale armor and oath)


If you decline, then after killing Mercer Karliah takes the key to bring it back herself so you don't have to anymore nor will you have access to the Sepulcher or Nightengale Hall.



Guild Leader Choices:

- Accept

- Decline

- Joint ownership with Brynjolf



Leader Eligibility Check:

- Accepted position or Joint ownership with Brynjolf

- Items Stolen >= 600

- Pockets Picked >= 70

- Sneak skill level >= 70

- Lockpick or Pickpocket skill level >= 50

- Vanilla Reputation quests requirement



+ If all requirements met start Under New Management (TGLeadership)







Dark Brotherhood:


Joining Eligibility Check:

- Vanilla

- Sneak skill level >= 30


+ If all requirements met get kidnapped and start With Friends Like These... (DB02)



Progression though Questline Check:

- None



Listener Eligibility Check:

- Must Not be Guild Leader of Companions


+ If all requirements met start Whispers in the Dark (DB04)



Guild Leader Choices:

- Accept -don't really have a choice to decline, you are the listener/chosen-one

- Option to tell Nazir that he's in charge when you are away.





NOTE: Not sure how to implement this, but there should be some way to get around the sold your soul to Nocturnal but will also be an agent of Sithis for all eternity issue. (hircine also owns you're soul if you're a werewolf too....)




I think I've covered everything, there would have course be some silent dialogue at certain points.

Concerning some of the requirements, I know there are a few mods out there that do the same things, but it is my sincere hope that this -all in one- mod of sexy awesomeness may one day be created and hit the hot files list.

Edited by mysticentity
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I think the OP's ideas are quite well thought.


in Oblivion you could play through all guilds, but it took some work to do so, and the questlines were much harder + rising in ranks took longer.


In Skyrim, there's only two ranks in each guild.

> Novice and Guild Master/Archmage/ Listener, except companions has Novice, Member of The Circle, Harbinger

Oblivion had more than 5 ranks in each guild, and often there was even short "ceremony" when you got higher rank. (at least in Mages college, can't remember others)

And there was the fancy menu tab about "Ranks"! :dance:

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  • 4 weeks later...

There are these mods:




http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14157 (will be including requirements to progress the questline in the next update)


However, the problem with putting a requirement on becoming a Nightingale is that at that point in the quest there's a bit of a time crunch (story-wise). It's not like they are going to say "hurry, we've got to stop Mercer before he gets away... oh, but you need to level up your sneak a bit more before we proceed." The time to put the progression requirements is earlier in the questline while you're still a low-level member and cranking away at the little radiant jobs, and before the questline really starts to build up momentum.


I'm not aware of any for the College of Winterhold. Hopefully someone will take up that project (or point out if there's a mod that already does it).

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Yes!! Finally! An option to become Harbinger without ever turning into werewolf!


The Companions is my favorite guild in the game, because they feel like one big cozy family (not the creepy one like Dark Brotherhood), but I always give up joining them because of the stupid "drink this filthy blood and become a werewolf, then you can join our top dogs, other wise get lost". Meh, when this mod is done, I can tell them to keep their blood to themselves.

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  • 1 month later...

As said above, there are some mods that do some of what you're looking for. That said, I'd like to comment a couple of points:




  • I mostly agree with all your points, the overal idea and the requirements you said.
  • BUT I wouldn't add any req to this Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood, bearing in mind the way to join it. You aren't asked (nor needed) to be a stealther, since you just "stole" their contract; you've already proven to be an assassin, and Astrid just want to test if you can do it on command. So you can join them by obeying, or refuse them by fighting, which is very lorewise (I highly doubt she'd let you go otherwise)
  • PC shouldn't be offered to be the Archmage ever, but should meet some requirements in order to advance through the College.
  • In skyrim, I highly doub any PC to deserve leading nothing but the Companions, and thus only if following your requirements.

I really hope someone to put all this together and made such an immersive and lorewise mod; I will track this post.

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