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what is mcm for requiem and where is mcm


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Many, many mods offer SkyUI-only menus, and they refer to them as MCM menus, and they always mention that they require SkyUI for their configuration menu to be available to you from the game's pause menu (under Mods or SkyUI or something). If I'm understanding your question right that you're not clear on what MCM refers to. So you don't need to worry about installing "MCM" - it is a feature of SkyUI, which is what you do need to have installed, but this piece of information is almost always presented to you on the mod description page, on the requirements, and prompted in BIG font when you download... so you probably have already installed SkyUI and the configuration menu for your mod will be available in game then. If you don't, you just won't have access to that configuration men, at least not that way (sometimes mods have config menu spells, but they wouldn't be MCM I guess) - this according to the usual descriptions I see on mods... I do read the mod descriptions... it's easier than going around forums asking for info that's already there, don't you think?


Anyway, if you've seen a reference to MCM UI config menus for Requiem, I'm not sure where, since it's not mentioned on the mod page - maybe you're looking in old info. If you're using the latest, since it requires SkyUI, it likely already has MCM menus. If you already have options in games for the mod, you probably don't need that thing... Can't help more without context.


Have fun!

Edited by bitoolean
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