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Script: A safe way to transfer the player possensions into a container


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Its not science, it understanding what you are doing and the consequences of those actions:


RemoveAlItems on the player removes the Pipboy

If the script is initiated from a holotape in the pipboy ... what happens ?

If they player is not using the standard pipboy form ... what form does the script AddItem and EquipItem ?

If the script can not add Pipboy functionality back to the player ... what happens.

If the player is holding quest locked items ... what happens (especially to those with OnContainerChanged trigger scripts) ?

& other angry end user edge conditions.


I had exactly this issue with my GunGames solution that tries to outfit and equip the player with the same stuff as the opponents IN THE MIDDLE OF A GAME and then seamlessly revert back to whatever they originally had. RemoveAlItems caused so many issues that eventually I had to remove items based on specific keywords like ObjectTypeWeapon and ObjectTypeAmmo. But, I get that my aspiration for quality user experiences are different to others who may not care.

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Its not science, it understanding what you are doing and the consequences of those actions:


RemoveAlItems on the player removes the Pipboy

If the script is initiated from a holotape in the pipboy ... what happens ?

If they player is not using the standard pipboy form ... what form does the script AddItem and EquipItem ?

If the script can not add Pipboy functionality back to the player ... what happens.

If the player is holding quest locked items ... what happens (especially to those with OnContainerChanged trigger scripts) ?

& other angry end user edge conditions.


I had exactly this issue with my GunGames solution that tries to outfit and equip the player with the same stuff as the opponents IN THE MIDDLE OF A GAME and then seamlessly revert back to whatever they originally had. RemoveAlItems caused so many issues that eventually I had to remove items based on specific keywords like ObjectTypeWeapon and ObjectTypeAmmo. But, I get that my aspiration for quality user experiences are different to others who may not care.

Thank you for this post, SKK50. I mean, I'm not going to be using RemoveAllItems on the player anytime soon, mind, but it's certainly great to see someone putting in the effort to create a great user experience. I'm certain I could learn a thing or two from you on that. :)

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