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Looking for a good Healer companion.


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You can go a few different routes. One is to try a companion as-is. Vilja is good for this. Not only does she have basic healing skills, but she's good in battle, has several quests, and tons of responses. Best companion around, hands down.


If you'd like something more basic, just about any companion will do. Add Companion Master, which will allow you to teach them spells. Of course, your character will need to know Heal Self and Heal Others, but once you've got those, the rest is easy. What CM does is allow you to choose whatever spells you want her to know, at any time.

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I'll second Balakirev's nomination of Companion Vilja. Without a doubt the best companion you'll find. With her in tow you'll forget how to use your own healing spells (and how was that am I supposed to use these potions??).
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