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Skyrim Crashes on load up for unknown reasons


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Hey guys,


A problem like this may have popped up a few times in the forums a few times, sorry if it may have been answered before. Anyway, I downloaded this app on the steam forums which allows for all games to be played windowed-borderless mode (link: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2675769). Basically, in order for Skyrim to go windowed-borderless mode the app required me to enable windowed mode before-hand. I opened the Skyrim launcher and a window popped up for a few seconds saying something along the lines of it scanning my PC specs and making graphics of the game optimal for it ( I think this was the cause of the problem). When I enabled windowed mode, I tried starting up Skyrim before starting the window-borderless app to see if it works fine, this is when the crashing started. Ever since I did that, Skyrim constantly crashes after the Bethesda logo on both windowed and full-screen mode.

I tried changing the settings back to Full screen, changing resolution back to 1080p via launcher, etc, tried reinstalling the ENB files, reinstalling all my mods (installed all in order so nothing I want will be overwritten) and rebooted my PC. I don't know if it is something to do with the Skyrim.ini or SkyrimPrefs.ini but I wont mess with that yet in case I stuff it up further.


Does anyone have any suggestions or has had this problem as well and fixed it?



- I use Sharpshooter ENB

- I use SKSE

- Skyrim worked perfectly until this incident

- I have quite a few texture mods working as well (e.g. Skyrim Flora Overhaul, etc)


CPU: i5 3570K @ 4GHz

GPU: GTX 670



Again, sorry if something similar to this has been posted already.

Thanks in advance!

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Nope, never heard of that particular problem before but the 'something' error message - probably relevant. Skyrim should create some kind of warnings/debug text, try looking for that and see what it says, should have the last set of relevant errors in it. Once you have that information, you'll at least have an idea on what to try next. Good luck :thumbsup:
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Go to your My Documents\My Games\Skyrim folder, and rename your skyrimprefs.ini, and skyrim.ini. Restart the launcher, and let it re-detect your hardware.


Also, if you had ini edits to make some of your mods work, or, if you had changed Ugridstoload previously.... that may be part of the problem as well. (they aren't there any more.)

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